
I have to say, that compared to Sim3 (more accurately, the modding potential of Sims 3), the world of Sims 4 seems pretty sterile. Unless you go to a bar, you almost never really encounter anyone. I have created about 70 sims in a bunch of families in my game and I never, ever see them? Why? Because the game only

The last time I moved, I got an itemized bill from the mover.

You know you’re in for a bad time if the first thing they say is “You have such lovely curls, can I straighten them?”

That fucking flying wedge is the reason I stopped going to the hairdresser and just hack my spiral curls into a shag myself. Every single one of them cuts hair like I have straight hair and I end up looking like that, haha.

It’s an awesome look for people with curly hair as well:

This is the unspoken side of those ‘met the shotgun before the father’ types who brag about being willing to murder anyone who mistreats their property, uh, daughters. You get girls feeling unable to report their abuse fearing the father will murder someone that they still care for because they are still processing

Planning to complete your game using crunch is a failure to plan.

Yes, I do recall my grandfather’s stories about flying an FE2B in WW1, and how their propeller was blown off mid flight and they thought they’d all have to respawn closer to base and start the bombing run over, but a giant loot box fell from the sky, and luckily the gunner had $2.39 on hand to open it up to reveal a

Because men like this don’t consider the women they assault to be women. They are sluts and whores, and you don’t have to respect sluts and whores.  Even if they were virgins when you attacked them, the fact that you were successful in your attack meant they wanted it, and that makes them sluts and whores.

But it was the same thing with the “but muh historical accuracies” crowd in the Battlefield meltdown. Using an energy drink to heal a sucking chest wound in 10 seconds in the field under fire, respawning after death, and various other inaccurate battlefield situations were okay because gameplay, but women were just a

Frostpunk’s new scenario, and still trying to figure out the rocket in Oxygen Not Included.

It’s silly that this is what killed the movie series for me.  Once I noticed Bale’s mouthbreathing, and the terrible voice, it was all I saw.

BaE reads like he wants the chance to break up with her. The comments about how the tables have turned with him being out of her league (to, what, her being out of his league?), and how he needs to confirm he’s out of love with her. I think it’s less about closure, and more about being the one who got dumped.

How is this anything to do with MeToo? The fact is, these men have proven themselves a liability. Just like they would be if they had a history of fist fights with other men at the office, or a history of stealing from the office, or a history of turning over office secrets to other companies. Hell, in the games

I worked on a factory line with an all woman staff.  Lets see these ‘hard working men’ stand on their feet for 12 hours a day putting fiddly little pieces of equipment in tiny boxes on a fast moving, loud, too goddamn low conveyor belt for a few months.

Heh, when I lived in Japan, approaching 20 years ago, I had only one pizza place near by, and it was in a town 2 hours away.  So things have changed (or maybe inaka gonna inaka).  The flavours, aside from the potato pizza, were pretty standard except every variety of pizza had corn on it.  No mayo though.

Well, the justice system has already established that it’s cool to strangle someone if it gives you pleasure.  Maybe we can line up a series of people to use their one free pleasure strangle on this guy.

“It rises to the level of Soviet-style re-education. These guys have got to be re-educated they have to show sufficient atonement, remorse….” 

No, I think if you read Trump’s quote, he’s pretty clear that the democrats killed them just to make him look bad. Having said that sarcastically, I am now counting down the seconds until something like that appears on a Qanon reddit board, or a Fox “news” special.

Unless you are the junior employee, in which case you’ll be determined to be the least valuable one, and be shown the door under some made up BS, usually about not fitting in with the culture, or your position mysteriously being phased out. If you dispute it, all the men will agree that yes, you were hysterical, and