
That’s also a sign of insanity. Be careful. :)

Nice static damage precautions taken there.

I don’t know anyone who repairs their flat. Just buy a 10 pack of tubes and carry couple spares. Saves time and hassle. PITA to repair in the rain. It’ll cost you you about $2 per flat.

No it doesn’t. It means the result was not intentional. There is always a cause.

“Declared war”? Would mean protesters can’t be charged with resisting arrest outside violations of the Geneva /Hague conventions & killing a cop will not be charged in a civilian court.

It’s a bargain then. :)

He’ll, they even used to have the same movie voiceover until that movie voiceover guy died.

Would have liked to see a intermission while the next movement was loaded from 12 cassette decks.

If you have a bunch of qubits representing two pieces of data, their state can be entangled with qubits representing result of an arithmetic operation (imagine multiply 3x3=9). If the result is then changed (from 9 to 12), the original data qubits change state to keep the equation true - may become 3x4. This occurs

A million per episode? I'm sure it only cost that much to make during its prime.

Can’t swype on this. Autocorrect looks OK.

Have a boundary learning mode where you walk around the extent of of your property with it and then in operational mode, it never crosses that boundary?

Now playing

Old. I’ve got some of these already. :)

Yes. This is old news. They should watch more TV. :)

A tank lays it’s own tracks. :)

Let me guess.... US only? It is 2015 right? :)

Lest we forget the lives lost to Helvetica Syndrome.

Just legalise cricket bats, they have an even larger striking face. :)

Hang on, he still has to ride back up and have his speed averaged. :P

Technically 720p is closer to ~3 times 480p. :P