
Americans when they try to use metric: “kcm" 🙄

Agree, most are not doing it on purpose so no need for retaliation. A quick flash will usually cause them to check. Not flashing them just leads to the same issue for the next driver. If no one flashes out of “politeness", that could be thousands!

If you wondered where George Lucas got his idea from...   :P

George Floyd died for $20.

Unfortunately, no way to bring it down safely in one piece.  Has no atmospheric friction heat shielding. It’ll be burnt up on re-entry.

I’m the only one who thought they put a little farmer wearing a hat in it right? 

Sea-dog (New Zealand). Crab meat stick + slaw + onion + tartar sauce.

25 hot dogs from around the world:

Appears to be a questionable Disney hack too. 🙄

His wife also owns two. They have 12 between them. Maybe they have been cutting down on Crudités for a deposit on their 13th?

What the heck? It relies on the least significant digit on one scale becoming the most significant in the other and vice versa. 09C (still cold) would be 90F. 29C (hot) would be 92F. It’ll only work in some very few cases, like the ones mentioned in the article. Pointless.

All of the points in this article are BS except it does save on water, detergent and energy if you don’t pre-rinse. I use cold water only and a dish brush to rinse off any major food scraps. Usually egg has a problem cleaning in mine. But that’s it.

It’s not really a fryer at all. It’s a mini fan forced oven.

Glass? Come on. Dishwashers were made for glass! (And cheese graters) 

Not sure about that Lexus analogy. If you consume the seat, they can still sell it on the next flight. If you consume the Lexus, they can’t sell it and have to order in a new one.

Rows need resorting. e.g #27, #28 & #29 are out of order. :P

Use a dryer as a last resort. Line dry where possible. The lint in the lint filter is fibres from your clothes and have lost that much volume. If they lose 0.1% each time, it doesn’t take long for them to shrink or thin to an unusable state.

Also Brasso. Warning: It’ll polish the glare or scratch coating off too, so be wary.

The alarm sound was beeping by default but had an annoying rooster option if I recall correct. :)

Newsflash: Snakeoil salesman sells snakeoil.