
I disagree that you should never flash your brights in response to another car’s brights. A quick flash can often clue the other driver in to the fact that they have their high beams on, prompting them to turn them down.

The subreddit for DWAC is a fascinating and unfortunate place to lurk. All these people that tie this shady SPAC directly to their dear leader seem to think if they just pour enough of their life savings into it that they will be rewarded with love and respect from Trump as well as a massive return on their

“Did this head of Russia think how many thousands of Ukranians and children he crossed out with his decision?,”

This is the 1% hand sanitizers warn you about. 

I find it amusing that all these Very Smart Businessmen and partisans of the Very Smart Businessman Party can’t understand that the company didn’t change hands and that the policies did not change the instant they announced an agreement to sell.

A tunnel is a tunnel, that’s not the issue in the slightest. If anything the Boring Company’s tunnels are the worst because there are no safety measures, there is no backup, there is no place for someone to exit the vehicle and walk to safety in an emergency.

There are times when you should just give up and quote the abstract directly.

I don’t know, trying to dunk on people in Lifehacker’s comments probably ranks pretty high up there on the uninteresting dork scale too...

Did it in under an hour and a half from posting! Bang - we’ve hit Godwin’s law.

In that order ?

I work for the Park Service. I am going to continue posting science and facts on our parks website and social media accounts. This isn’t fucking North Korea and I’ll be damned if anyone tries to bully me into refuting cold hard data.

All you and your administration had to do was act Presidential for one fucking day. One day, on YOUR Inauguration day, and you couldn’t even pull that off.....but at least you and the First Lady covered it up really well by showing how overwhelmingly happy you both were.  

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this wasn’t from his personal account but the official POTUS account, making it not “private” and subject to FOIA guidelines. No?

So you are suggesting he use private servers then?

If you have an internet connection, why would you download the videos at all? Why not just stream from Netflix?

But do they explain why we drive on Parkways and park on Driveways.

So...snapchat will come and go before I even bother to try it...
This is what “old” feels like.

She’s a good sport about it. Nevertheless, IT’S TIME TO PLAY...