
What? The article was on “8K displays”. You think they accidentally and incorrectly researched a whole article based on a typo?

Hang on. There's an auditing office... And they've only now just noticed? How much do they get paid for a start?

once you go black.... :)

Does it autoplay U2 each time?

When I help my daughter, I find it's very addictive. I sometimes have to tell her to go away because she's screwing it up. Elsa doesn't go like that!

but how can we keep the sober users out?

I agree but it still looks like the underside of my coffee table.

The 51st shade of Grey?

This is apparently similar issue with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2 or whatever it's called too.

solution to global warming if we can block the sun. :)

The point of the music locker is, if it doesn't, it can. You can stick things Google Play doesn't have on its service and make it available to all your devices.

Wonder if they are to show how the parking should be arranged without painting lines? Once a few start parking like that, the rest will.

I thought it was writing lines as a punishment.

The sign for my street was missing for months. So I made my own one and purposely made it look hilariously bad. Within a week, it was taken down and replaced with an official one. Win/Win (although mine had more "character") . :)

axis of evil.

Shows the importance of a good test plan.

So if I keep still and hold my breath, they'll come back later?

Tried that but they generally pivot at the base of the where the laptop is supported and either aren't strong enough to hold it flat or if they are, become a little unstable. The pivot needs to be in the center of where you place the laptop. Might be OK for a ultrabook but full size laptop, no.

Well, this type of thing always amazes me. I think I'll write a smart comment about it and then completely forget about it tomorrow.

clockwise or anticlockwise?