
What you say is totally valid- but in no way justifies any of this. In all of your posts you seem to be taking an "it's fine because that's just what they're like" way. You're essentially siding with the rapists, just because of your tone.

An actual decent bit of the series, eh?

Jesus, I know right. I tried to report his comment, but while Kinja's been improved, it certainly doesn't have any good reporting features.

I bet he didn't choose the title. And past the first paragraph, in which he has to state the facts about his (coincidentally successful) situation, there's almost no egomania at all. He says he enjoys his passion for games more than the money. Then he talks all about how he took the photos and how they took off and he

I reckon MGSV/ Ground Zeroes is going to fix the whole cutscene thing.

I can see what you're saying- but you haven't played it yet, mate.

Thanks man! Haha, that's appreciated, I love copy pasta'ing whenever someone says something actually salient online.

Totally, man. I'm not looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, either, first time I finished it was in 2008 or 2009 I think?

Those are pretty creepy- but it's the legs-on-legs mannequin things that get me.

Yeah, that's a good point. Developers have to work harder now to make enemies scary because lack of detail and creepy animations just doesn't cut it.

Haha, cool story. That's not surprising at all. I think altogether it took me about three years to finish. I bought it in 2005 or so, started it- got too scared and stopped. Thenin 2008 or so I picked it back up, determined to finish it. Fucking hell it was worth it.

It's unbelievable isn't it. Other games are scary, but none capture true horror like Silent Hill 2. It pushes every button just enough at just the right moments. Perfectly paced and perfectly written and perfectly designed.

Haha, fair enough man. The thing is, it's just a genuinely great game for the gameplay and adventure and immersion, that I'd recommend it to anyone.

Goddamn, man. Thanks for sharing. That's why it's such an important game, eh? Initially it seems like your typically abstract, detached Japanese horror game, but in the second half it suddenly gets so purely human. So really well observed and clever.

Totally man. Totally. I always forget that line. Though I find the "There was a hole here" bit horrific, too, for no reason!

Absolutely fair.

That's a good point.

See those semi-invisible babies? I worked out what they are the other day.

Oh god, then don't play it.

Horror is kinda my thing. The scariest experiences are tied for me between this and Amnesia. Those games get it- and it sounds like Outlast does as well. But this is mine. How come nobody has mentioned: