All this kid needed was 1,200 to get it done?
All this kid needed was 1,200 to get it done?
It makes me wonder why open-world games always try to replicate a big city in a reduced scale, when they could replicate a smaller town at 1:1 scale?
What's even more impressive is what happens when he bugs out and comes back with an upgraded crotch.
I took away his weapons, both of them.
Talion destroys both heads, he's very thorough.
Went to a wedding where a 350 pound dude had a hot date. Granted he played OT at a DI school but it's confidence man.
Isolation on hard is one of the most exhausting games I've ever played (and I mean that as a huge compliment.) It, like the horrific antagonists within it, is absolutely relentless. I love how ineffective the weapons are. I shot an android in the head 5 times and it barely flinched before choking the life out of…
This game is mind blowing, it got so much stuff right about Alien. I loved it!
Fuck those androids man, the ones laying on the ground always ALWAYS end up grabbing me and I jump out of my skin everytime because I always fall for their tricks.
Just finished what felt like a true Alien-vs-you-vs-a-giant-space-complex simulation. 20 hours of a mesmerizing game. The Sevastopol hallways will haunt me for some time now.
I really wish CA would add a some kind of walkabout mode that removes the Xeno and hostile npcs, and just lets you wander around Sevastapol without having to worry about being murdered.
I can't watch this due to being at work. A theory I have is that the game will end near the beginning of Metal Gear. Reason being I don't think Hayter would be completely excluded from the game since he is Solid Snake and given the time line of this game it seems possible. A few weeks ago after being given the ok the…
I think the "less is more" design of Destiny is to help manage balance within the game. If they start adding more grenade types, then they need to balance each one against the others. Instead, they gave each class the same types of grenades to avoid that issue. I think the same can be said for the lack of "creative"…
I actually didn't mind his performance.
The design idea is less is more. They'd rather have three strongly distinct classes that feel good than more that start to obscure the uniqueness. Having weapons do wild and crazy things (like Borderlands) doesn't fit the feel and aesthetic of the game. The advantages from guns are SUPPOSED to be little... it fits the…
I don't see how that fits. The ladies from the BB Corps were not sexually abused throughout the game. None of them had directly implied sexual abuse in their back-stories or the events during the game at all. None of their stories were convoluted either. The central point to all of their stories can easily be summed…
Yes, I'll raise my intimacy level with Quiet and take her on different missions.... Date missions at the beach, with naked outfit... Knock her out and crawl on her and call the codec that sort of stuff.
Grenade-Sniper combo? Did I just see them taking out a chopper with a Grenade-Sniper combo? I must have this game.