
Man, F.E.A.R. is nothing. So unscary. Action horror like Dead Space or Resi 4-6. I played the whole thing and didn't flinch once.

Contrary to what that other guy said, the Battlefield series are not difficult to get into at all.

Burning Chromse: The Man With The One-Phrase Answers And The William Gibson Short Story Collection Name.

Fifteen minutes in on Youtube. Totally awesome. Might suggest it for an all-night horror movie retro cinema lock-in which takes place a couple of times a year over here.

What's the last one from? I wanna watch that movie.

See, you're totally right, but to put it bluntly... The plain 'ole brick is better than that. TLoU has that sublime "life or death" feel to its gameplay which means that just throwing a brick either to distract a guy, or to cave his face in, feels like a life or death choice and that you're going to have to deal with

Sandman is one of the best works of literature ever created. So absolutely great. Such a fun read, too, unlike many seminal works.

Yeah, but you couldn't carry a box in your pocket and keep it ready to deploy at any instant for short-notice distractions. Also, the box would float invisibly in front of you, destroying immersion.

The original Deus Ex did, but it was so clunky and obtuse that it wasn't really worth it.

Well, yeah, I play music on my 360 using my Hard Drive more than CD's. But it's still a nice thing to be able to do.

I know- I'm explaining to this guy that some people do actually use it, and that it's not a useless feature to have. I'll miss the feature when I have my PS4, but I'll still have my PS3 and 360 so it's not too bad.

Aren't we all.

My girlfriend is a direct descendant of Captain Morgan.

Different for everyone- whenever I'm cleaning a room in the house I use my console (PS3 in living room, 360 in bedroom) to play music while I clean. Often I pop in a nearby CD to play. I probably do it once every month or two- but when I've got tons of cleaning to do it'll be as much as once a week.

Honestly mate, the amount of games in which stealth would be fix if they just implemented this "improvised distraction" mechanic... It just fixes stealth and makes things so much more emergent. AC would be fixed with it, Deus Ex would be fixed with it, heck, even that shitty vampir game Dark (which I had to review)

I'm about to start playing Shinobido, the PS2 Ninja game.

I'm still going to be infinitely frustrated with this series until they add a "Stamina" meter.

Want the tip of all tips?

Yeah, it's easy to get away from them, but it's still something fun to do.

I found one playthrough of Origins, doing less than half of the ambient world stuff, worth about three times a single playthrough of City. I've broken 30 hours of gametime and I've barely touched New Game Plus.