

Not at all. That's a lie. There's no currency left over.

What you say would be true if it weren't for sales and the XBL Rewards program.

I haven't played the game- but it sounds like you're focusing too much on the time-based accumulation of resources over the game's other mechanics.

We've seen the game map and they've made statements about this before, pal:

Spot on, man!

I'm just running with a random thought your post gave me, man. Don't sweat.

Dude... I would totally write that Spiderman comic.

It did feel like that, though I felt that stuff was mostly directed towards 'bro' culture. Not sure how I felt about that in the article. Pretty reductive and marginalising, tbh.

I disagree that it read as pretentious garbage from a disgruntled ex-employee.

I'm pretty sure in the close up of the mural painting we could kiiina see the ghost stencil shape over which the artist was painting- I'm pretty sure there's a central figure in the bottom right like on San Andrea's cover, only more prominent.

I found the opposite!

Where exactly in the game is the selling of prisoners or the focus on private sector imprisonment?

I know you weren't talking about this, but honestly:

Nahhhh man, Trespasser doesn't count. The body in that was:

They're the games that invented stealth for the FPS genre. Very intelligent and slow paced. Set in a steampunk age, it's got parts victorian steampunk, parts magic and paganism, parts industrial revolution.

Wasn't the general consensus that this is Liquid Snake?

Righton, so the issue is largely with the selling out?

Sounds like you take issue with the idea of the simulacra.

Hey, sorry for no reply, made a comment soon after this one that got tens of replies, yours was drowned in that torrent.