
I didn't really try to define it- I tried to undermine the typical/ colloquial definition of prostitute which is someone who sells their body for money. Nothing else. Your definition is providing a political/ social/ economic backdrop, justification, root meaning for prostitution- which I wholly agree with and

By 'using the PC version' I inferred that he was using keyboard and mouse. The standard for PC games. Which he obviously is using in the video.

What exactly did you do to force it offline? Not clear from the images. At least, as someone who doesn't own or hasn't had a look at SimCity.

This guy's using the PC version in the video.

That game/service distinction is a clever, pertinent one.

1. Um, who said it's something incredibly new and never seen?

Pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about, mate.

Should be an open world game. Should be an open world city with both sides free to explore, and varying sectors or districts in variable levels of warfare/ danger.

It's only a matter of time, pal.

Good journalism. Happy Kotaku reader.

That's def how it'll work. Pretty much how any games with a recording function have worked in the past, e.g. Skate etc.

I'm not a JRPG fan, but to me it sounds like it's the gameplay which mixes up the formula the most.

Yeah true, again that's a bad thing, the 70:30 split. But I dsagree that offsetting it is not unfair; going 30:70 the other direction doesn't fix the issue, just bias it the other way. It's still bias, even if it's bias towards a marginalised group.


Eh, it's not hard to identify with them at all. It just doesn't seem fair to talk about several female cosplayers' experiences, all who seem to be from different ethnic and social backgrounds, but neglect a group who make up half of the demographic of the planet's population.

I wasn't complaining, it was just an observation. I don't have any experience of it, and frankly I get irritated and turned-off by the constant iconisation and tokenistic presentation of female cosplayers. I want a male account just as much as you: I just have no knowledge of it and am generally not into cosplaying

See my comment at Graves

Well, not to throw a biological-psychology spanner in the works, but Pyramid Head's got some seriously goddamn phallic properties.

Interesting to know that the proportion is definitely more female than male. See, I didn't know that. Which would explain the bias in the article. A wider study would definitely be cool. Thanks for a straight-up comment.

Yeah totally, that's a good insight. Thanks for an objective comment.