
Haha, shan story on that guy. We've got a long way to go, no doubt. Society, that is.

Man, I wasn't getting into any sort of backlash or complaint or demand for inclusion at all. My comment was just an offhand observation. Mostly because the writer was obviously reaching out to cosplaying individuals to get their stories, and it seemed arbitrary not to include some men.

I pretty much agree with you entirely, but:


And no stories from male cosplayers? That's not cool.

Whilst it may or may not be a publicity stunt, the woman's job is selling herself and every facet of her life. So even if she genuinely wanted a child, she's still going to make millions selling stories off of it.

Aye certainly. I underhanded both games in that comment- Skyrim has more than one or two (though you spend most of your time on one I'd say) and Far Cry 3 has many, many more than three. Shit, this post is now an essay. Hope it makes sense.

Skyrim- Checklist and map: The Game

Haha, I feel ya bro. It's just a cool thing to discuss. The incestuous design stealing of the AAA-video-game industry. Totally appreciate you were joking.

PC gaming's growing stronger all the time, pal. Get your shit straight. I'm console-only due to not having the time to save enough for a really-fucking-good PC rig, but PC is going strong as shit. Doesn't have the one-off-lucks of AAA console titles, which build so much momentum and numbers; but it has so many

Just Los Santos, which is in San Andreas. They made it official. It's in the trailers and has been published in interviews/ blowouts from R* themselves.

Yeah, haha, they are legit adverts put over frames from the preceding show.

Check out the gameplay vids. He's a pretty regular, haggard kinda dude. Unique as far as playable protagonists go.

Nobody said nothing about Conservatives, pal. Just this bit of reporting.

Well, you know when, before an advertisement break, a sponsor ad comes up for 2-5 seconds or so?

best comment I've ever seen

Joel doesn't quite fit into those, bro. Nearly, but not quite.

I think Oblivion had the most well balanced lockpicking system I've seen.

My only questions is: if the game is supposed to slide right into Alien canon, then is it going to have the sublime exploration of sexual and capitalist themes that Alien had, and Aliens had a little?

Not saying it's a good thing, man, just that it's probably not a shooter, but a TPA. I.e. third person adventure game. Much like every MGS game.