
That was something that had an insurgence in the mid-early '00s, after Half-Life 1, but then disappeared when ragdoll physics etc. became a thing again.

I know I did it bro. It was a sacrifice that had to be made. So that you could comprehend how lame your com was. Such righteousness preserves cool in any context.

Pretty sure at least a moment or two are cinematic third-person gameplay, pal. E.G. The start when he's pulled out of his bed and is crawling behind the doctor. Clearly gameplay ala channeled/ scripted bits of MGS4 or Uncharted 3.

Apparently it's not too difficult to achieve at all, he had pretty good working models for it, and there exist anecdotal reports of him having it operating successfully before he died. Activating tons of objects (lightbulbs was the original experiment I believe) from great distances away from the power source.

Damn straight, man. You got it down to earth.

@M: that shit totally sounds like nerves, dude. People don't realise that it takes just as much self-confidence to 'get there' as it does to 'keep going all night'. If, in the back of your mind, you're not relaxed into it yet, you might have a problem, one way or the other.

Referring to coolness in any way makes you uncool.

Uh yeah, so, like, none of these comments are from Kotaku readers. You're herpin' bro.

It's not a bad one, but to totally nerd out about it, I think the 'cl' consonant cluster is a bit much.

Haha. Nice post. As a linguist, I approve.

It's not by Bethesda. Bethesda didn't develop it. It was developed by Arkane Studios. Bethesda just published it. Dishonored has nothing in common, whatsoever, with the Elder Scrolls. Not the same engine, not the same design, not the same gameplay, not the same ethos. It doesn't feel anything like Skyrim or Fallout.

In the plot he may be a guy: but in a game like this, the player, in gameplay, is a gender-neutral entity; your avatar is whatever you want it to be, regardless of male or female.

They do... But it takes a lot of time. They have to encounter the same places/ enemies countless times before they start saying different shit. Some of the triggers are still generally broken though.

'They've been saying that since Socrates.'

Turning subtitles off makes it a lot easier to deal with. They just become background noise rather than constant screen-filling spam.

SM Galaxy 2 is meant to be one of the best game's of this generation. Maybe give it a try? I'm not a Nintendo fan at all, but any game that gets 10/10 from Edge must have something to it.

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Ah, yes, another person who completely misunderstands the term 'non-sequitur'.

Brilliant review. This is probably a video review I'll show to non-gaming friends to convince them of the best aspects of gaming. The amount of fun that can be had + how meaningful and stylistic games can be. Fantastic work Chris!

Probably... This would be cool, but almost definitely won't happen; what if the mansion is a post-game unlock? So the lobby for the game once you've finished the story is like the mansion, and you can explore it, or travel to different parts in the games story via relics she has brought from the island.

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Mate, yeah that's a telling response. Album's are where it's at. But more specifically, Stop Making Sense is an Album Film. You have to watch it on DVD to get the full effect. It's so amazing.