
That's true. Reckon the Mansion will be in this? It would make perfect sense, fit with the open world stuff. But I don't know where it would fit in the narrative.

Uncharted 1 is a decent game, Uncharted 2 is one of the best games ever made, and Uncharted 3 is excellent also, but not quite as good as Uncharted 2.

Multiplayer in 2 and 3 are some of the best ever. The singleplayer story is generally moot after the first one- but the singleplayer gameplay in 1 and 2 are good.

He's a far better musician than she is. Listen to Stop Making Sense and weep.

The goof is part of his skill. It's like he doesn't really give a shit about what anyone thinks, but he's still a total musical badass. Listen to Stop Making Sense by his band, the Talking Heads, and weep. A lot better then Vincent, though I do quite like her.

If you've played Uncharted 2 or 3, and examined the AI in detail, it's definitely likely that what we see in this video is not scripted at all, bar some of the combat animations.

'Yeah, I particularly liked it when he crouched behind the rock, and his foot was doing the moon walk and sliding unrealistic on the ground...'

Ah, good point, I'm still living in March in my mind.

Fucking hell man. I love that guy and I'm nearing the end of the game. I had no idea.

It comes out in a year man. It's far, far from completion.

Genuinely cool story bro

Controls are certainly a mechanic, an interfacing mechanic. But the actual gameplay mechanics, i.e. what happens in the simulation, is the majority of the designed mechanics in a game. MGS' controls may have always been pretty awkward, but they always functioned well for what you needed, and MGS4 did everything you

I'm not talking about the graphics at all. I never mentioned them.

'Ground Zero' is a combination noun- it counts as one word. So it's 'ground zeroes' not 'grounds zero'.

At the end of the trailer there is a seamless transition to gameplay. That IS what gameplay will look like (at least on some platform.)

True, the controls have always been an issue. But that doesn't change the depth of the gameplay or mechanics for me. It's the fact that the series is deep yet detailed, formulaic yet dynamic, etc., that makes it special for me, despite largely dated controls and programming. The AI isn't bad per se, it just has a very

I... Shit, I...

Well we know who's playing Ocelot.

MGS4's gameplay was probably some of the best ever made in the history of gaming. (Pit about the insane amount of cutscenes, but yeah.) And same goes for MGS3.

Could be Raiden, but: