
I was hoping it would only be a First Blood game, because that film is actually, honestly pretty good. The game would be a mix between Metal Gear Solid 3 and Postal 2. A thematic, slow adventure where you're hunting and killing people in a town (and some jungley forests), going-postal.

Unlike everyone in the universe, I fucking loved Far Cry 2, and I'm ready to argue about it. As far as I'm concerned, people didn't like that game because they didn't understand it. All the things people hated about it actually become reasons to love it when you look at it a different way.

Unlike most games these days, FarCry 2 requires you to be creative in how you play it. You have to make your own fun.

It really helps if you have someone who's really good at it to sit next to you and go 'ah, you shouldn't have done that, try this instead' or 'see that thing over there? It'll do this. Stay away from it.' I didn't see the fun of the game until a friend did this to me. Totally opened my eyes.

A lot of the boss or final-mission villains in Batman: Arkham City are defeated like this.

See my bottom reply @ Hamad

See my comm @ Hamad

He was using the /z/ to emphasise a different vowel. And this was also obviously going to be unclear because /z/ is a consonant. His orthography didn't make much sense, but his point was obvious. He should have used a different vowel approach, like 'Raes' intead of 'Ras', I'd say, but he made the mistake. It was still

Or they could have, you know, went for the hygienic items because, you know, they need some hygienic items for their homes.

As with all Coen Bros', it's highly ironic and often satirical from beginning to end. All the humour and pleasure of the film comes from ironies everywhere; the Dude being an improbable person in today's world who deals with things like no-one else, the idea that nobody ever comes up with anything original (everyone's

What was that game that was meant to be a mix between Sons of Anarchy and GTA? It basically looked like Big Lebowski the game; an open world ironic and satirical crime game set with you playing stoners in the West of the USA. Called Wild Cards or Highway 80 or something like that.

That must be a tutorial-only bug, I've seen no bugs at all in the main game.

It's not the fourth level like these jokers say: it's the 17th level.

The gameplay isn't quite the same: the controls have been streamlines (effectively) and there are quite a few new game mechanics/ monsters/ items etc. And none of them are filler/ needless, they're all really excellent and help the game a lot.

It was a freeware game which has stagnated a bit: this new version has updated graphics, physics, systems and multiplayer. It's great.

No tutorial, start at the Wiki for Dwarf Fortress. Keep it open all the time while you play the game and consult it every few seconds. After a few play sessions like this a lot of the controls and systems will start to become second nature.

Read From Hell, Doc? One of the best things I've ever read, and definitely the best Moore thing. I like Watchmen and V for Vendetta, never read the League, but From Hell is something else. On par with The Wire and Blood Meridian as the best modern masterpieces of historical fiction meets fictional fiction. Plus Eddie

That's fair. I can imagine the Twitter stuff taking place. And it's true, Fez is overrated, but I give it a lot of slack considering how risky and theoretical it is.

This deserves a promote.