
To be honest, I don't know much about this issue, or the hate for Fish, but your argument that those statements are non-sequitur are reduntant considering that, as far as I've seen, all the articles about Fish making his first statement were 'non-sequitur' if you're going to use the phrase that way. (Non-sequitur

Money. Hands in pockets.

Yeah, it's not exactly what you're talking about but that stuff can make games very fun. I'm a fan of one-live runs actually. If you get into it, you really get immersed in the world in a different way, it feels like how you should properly be playing it. You can't save/load all the time, you can only save once: when

Ah, I'm console-primary here. No issues of that type.

Yeah. The spaces in MP3 are realistic from an artistic perspective, but as dynamic narrative spaces they fall flat. There are a few moments when it hits you and the game does work in this regard, but I had maybe four or five of those moments in the whole game.

These are playthrough alterations, not mistakes, but: there are playthroughs that people do of Resident Evil 4, and games like it, where they do not pick up any items that bad guys drop, or other mixed rules. In Resi 4 the justification for this was that it would make the game like the older Resi games where all kit

What technical issues did you encounter?

I think the locations/ settings in MP3 were fine in terms of realism; but I agree with you when you say at the level design re: enemy placement and pacing is definitely not realistic. There are almost no moments when dudes are standing around doing realistic things or having realistic conversations while you're

Just comment at them and say 'see my comm at so-and-so'. That's what I do.

A meme is a meme regardless of how stupid it is I'm afraid :/ if it's anything that gets caught in your mind, it's a meme.

Yeah, that's true. The gunplay stuff was really disappointing, and videos like this always make it look more dynamic and just better than it will be.

The first one is the worst by orders of magnitude. It's more of an 'artists intention' and it doesn't actually meet any of the mastery of Uncharted 2 or 3. It is essentially start-to-finish linear and closed paths; the widest areas you get are small squares or the like. Really, really small squares that is.

It was always colloquial, in that it was always an inherently low or high or middle or whatever culture-based thing. It has always literally meant an idea or concept which is common across culture. In this case it's an image-idea which is common across the culture of E3. See my comm at Graphic-J.

Memes are any ideas that live in your mind and others' minds, which have the same meaning.

I'd agree if Ueda himself wasn't still providing interviews with the press and talking about the game and if Sony weren't still officially hiring other individuals from other developers to help in developing it. You can't hire a load of people from another studio to work on a game while the game is cancelled. These

They're still making press releases about it, like this: I'm pretty sure it's not cancelled. Because a single retailer says it's cancelled doesn't figure on all the other retailers and the publisher and developer, who say it isn't.

And all of Remedy Entertainment's games... Which all released to fanfare and acclaim. Duke's the exception!

Oh, man. The singleplayer of 2 is decent enough, but the singleplayer of 3 is godawful. Utter rubbish.

Yeah PC's really where it's at, it's just such a deep gaming experience that it takes more time/ commitment.

No, no, none of the stuff where he is moving around and aiming will be scripted. It's a 'gameplay' trailer, so all of this is being played by someone (it'll be funnelled and planned, but not scripted specifically). The only scripted moments will be where it goes into cutscene, and fistfights will be scripted in a very