He didn't say that. Is that the case? Someone elsewhere mentioned that after a period your free games 'expire' and you can't play them any more. Aside from that, I thought the 'download history' thing worked all the time.
He didn't say that. Is that the case? Someone elsewhere mentioned that after a period your free games 'expire' and you can't play them any more. Aside from that, I thought the 'download history' thing worked all the time.
See my comm at TheSheriff.
No, but what you CAN do is get PS+, start downloading them, cancel the download, then unsubscribe from PS+. They'll stay in your "Download History" list and you can redownload them ad infinitum.
Yeah, what is this misprint?
Yeah that's the main problem with contemporary action/adventure games that have a cinematic flair; people often brush them off as being all cinematicness with no game (a feeling you'll definitely get if you just watch them), but playing them, games like Uncharted are admirably good at actually being engaging and…
It's certainly not scripted; the main issue here is that it's impossible to emulate without actually playing it yourself or having someone play it while pointing stuff out.
Killzone has better Medic and Engineer classes than TF2. Killzone is basically TF2's gameplay bones but with an infinitely better game mode (Warzone as it's called, cycling objectives on one huge open map) and a realistic sci-fi setting, with the best graphics I've ever seen (yep, better than PC.) Gameplay is…
As always with this sort of video, it's the possibilities on offer that are where the excitement lies. He could have approached it entirely stealthily, or actually had good fucking aim and tanned them all before they could do anything, or just avoid them all (the level design definitely looks like it'll cater to…
Either a 360 or PS3 is really worth it dude. If you're a PC man then PS3 is probably the best way. Honestly, I've seen better graphics (stylistically) on PS3 than PC, and the exlcusives (even unknown ones, downloadable titles that are incredible) are FAR better than a 360 or Wii's exclusives.
Ethos is the connection of appealing character. Pathos is the connection of emotion (which can, indeed, be to a character).
See my comm at hmv.
I'm surprised at that comment about Uncharted; sure, about 3/5 of Uncharted are fairly linear bits which are about adventuring or puzzling, but the other 2/5, the combat segments, are usually pretty damn open in how you approach them.
There's no way it's going to be that open. It's a linear adventure; a methodical mode of Uncharted.
Yeah, Uncharted 3 looks as good as this, sometimes better. It's insane. And Killzone 3 is the best looking FPS in the world, imho. Crysis is shiny as fuck, but doesn't actually gel as well stylistically as Killzone. Doesn't look as together.
The team sizes are the biggest difference.
Watch Dogs is 360 and PS3 bro.
It's announced for PC, 360 and PS3. Says so at the end of the article with the video blowout on this game.
Heavy Rain's actors were real, just, for the most part, French. Apparently playing the game with the French language option on and English subs feels more 'right' than the default English option.
Most people are saying it's simply a high-end PC rig demo. Which is probably the case.
Survival horror and co-op could definitely work. The problem is that making those two elements work requires some real innovative and risky game design moves; moves that a AAA publisher with an AAA game are not going to take. They're going to keep it like the singleplayer option, whereas horror co-op really needs its…