
I completely agree with all of the first half of that post. I also agree that Max Payne would be incredible as an HBO tv show. I adore that network; but I don't see entirely how TV (or even film) is very relevant to this discussion (past the MP movie).

Initially they said it worked via line-of-sight for the user (so if you use it and look a people, they're slowed down) and a bubble around you (so someone nearby behind you gets slowed down, too, but someone behind you + far away can look at you in bullet time and keep trucking at normal speed).

I think you could have condensed that a bit! A lot of those words weren't totally necessary.

It's a substantial singleplayer game, unlike any other currently, which also has a multiplayer component which still has implications, and fits with the canon of, the singleplayer game.

Excellently said.

Have you seen the gameplay? If not, I don't see how you could make any of those assumptions. It might work fine, none of us have seen it.

Ehhhh, I don't think Ninja Gaiden is quite the same; it's definitely action hack 'n' slash, not really action adventure.

I think this is an excellent idea. My first reaction was 'um, no thanks', but upon reading the details, it sounds good; fighting titans or huge creatures while fighting other players, a class system in third-person action gameplay, the great combat system of GoW being put into a PvP context...

Sounds good to me. Thanks for the tip. Not much of an anime fan but there are a few series' I really enjoy.

Awesome post.

Money's too tight for being leaders.

'May you both live happily ever after?....'

Yeah, I suppose I actually found them more graphic and visceral than creepy, I guess. I found the tone of the 'haunted house' one actually pretty comforting, though, oddly.

Wa's Lain?

I was playing the demo for Dragon's Dogma the other day, and was fighting the griffin in the countryside level (imagine the Dragon battles in skyrim, but honestly, truly, about 10x better). For once I couldn't down it and my team was failing, repeatedly; even until it got dark. Nighttime in the game was properly pitch

I found other Animatrixes much creepier. The running guy who ran out of the Matrix, for example. God that was horrific.

It's also not really anything like Dust- you can't free move, and it's games of 3v3 not upwards of 30 people per match. The only vaguely similar thing is the mate-game; but in Dust this is an online metagame with EVE players- in this it's just a thing all players of the game are working towards which resets every few

And yet... He has a sort of rustic wisdom. That's also the point.