
I appreciate that, my post was definitely wishful-thinking.

It wouldn't really be fair to keep the DMC team making DMC games forever, though, would it? Plenty of teams who made legendary series' went on to make incredible games when the series wrapped up.

I love how it looks without the HUD on. In other trailers the HUD looks really intrusive.

It does look great how they're combining the third person hack 'n' slash of DMC with the open world of Oblivion and the monster fighting of Shadow of the Colossus. Could be really, really emergent.

Yeah, I disagree with having to buy the game again, especially as I bought it way back in Alpha (or whatever).

Seems like a needlessly cynical post there, eh?

We're on the Yellow part of the scale for Natural Disasters in Natural Disaster-Prone zones (I assume where you're living is one), and apparently over the next 20 years we'll nearly be at the Red part of the scale. It's not gonna be good, bro :/ most big issues aren't at the red part of the scale for another 50-100

Bit of blood. Very good. Uncharted is so lacking in that.

SWAP is fairly basic. It's non-linear, and is about improvisational survival. There's no tutorial whatsoever in the game, so make sure you have a wiki or something open online: once you get used to the interface, it's as intuitive as Minecraft.

Neither am I. But I appreciate the shit out of the series. I haven't had a gaming rig since prolly 2004 or so, but still I read up about it, play it at friend's, etc. just like I do for lots of other games I'll probably never own.

Agreed. Pointless and annoying.

I hear your schpiel there when a developer mentions a 'morality' system or 'moral choices'. Like in inFamous, Fable, etc. Neither of those have been mentioned in relation to I Am Alive.

Stranded Without A Phone on iOS isn't bad, and it's similar. What was Survival Kids? I can infer from your reference to Lost in Blue.

I suppose you're right: they're one of those small teams tied exclusively to Sony, so Sony have taken care of everything business-side. Still, I imagine Journey is going to do well, and it wouldn't be hard for thatgamecompany to increase their staff base to include a PR/marketing section.

Yeah, I only see it's use for visitors to a building, not people who have a long-term, or even a short term position in one. Excellent idea re: disabilities: it would probably be peasy to adapt this to relay information via a headset or somesuch.

Also, way to embody the "haven't heard of it, don't care, won't give it a chance" self-entitlement persona of people today. Just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean it isn't worth your attention. Pretty ignorant post.

They aren't mainstream or well publicized games, but they are probably better games than CoD or BF3 or MoH. They're really something: more like Military Simulations than Military FPS. Really incredible, try the alpha if you have a PC good enough.

$15 on what?

I really enjoyed CoC:DCotE, but the problem with that was that it was not just linear, but often completely scripted and contextual. Amnesia is barely scripted, and the rare times when it is, you're in complete control: the scripted moments are 5-10 minutes apart from each other, with you walking around exploring

In case you didn't get it yet, I'm referring to the fact that it could mean the game better have her menstrual period. Not that there was a missing comma :p