
Those are some surprisingly good points you mentioned. Though I'd counter with a couple of 'hipster' arguments:

Excellent post, guy. Excellent.


Playing music isn't making art unless you're composing or improvising, or editing. Just like playing a game isn't art unless you're doing something that wasn't intended to be done with it; modding, machinima'ing, glitching (hohoh, that's an interesting concept, glitching as art).

But if you have technical knowledge of your computer it doesn't make you able to play the games better. If it's the same game on PC and console (unless it's a bad port) it's exactly the same. Graphics are superficial. Technical knowledge is secondary to the game itself.

A couple of Conviction levels can be? Most of them can't be, but a good handful can be, maybe 6 or so. Also, there may be moments in levels where you have to be seen, but there will be many areas which you can bypass.

"Importing influences from other mediums"... Makes no sense. Art is creativity in any way becoming codified into something new. Artists are inspired by already codified art that they've experienced. They take the experiences they've had in these other works of art, be it any medium, and use it to fuel their own

I completely agree with you. Condemned: CO has parts that are action horror, but overall it's definitely survival horror, though you are a rather capable fighter.

I disagree about Uncharted 3. Uncharted 2 was better, definitely, but 3 was still good.

Saying Skyrim and Uncharted 3 aren't good? I adore Bastion and S&S, completed them both, but I can't deny Skyrim and Uncharted 3 are top-notch games that deserve to be on the list.

Sounds like you're subjectively a fan of cartoony/ stylised fantasy games! Many would disagree with your post.

I thought Freeze was brilliant. And Quinn was alright. I thought the voice acting was really good but not as tight/ near perfection as Arkham Asylum; which I guess is how I feel about the whole game.

Like Megyn Kelly but more niche and intellectual. Good idea.

I found 5 Days the most compelling to complete; it's really short and tight. 7 Days was a bit crazy. Trilby's Notes is one of the scariest, but I can't recall if I finished it or not. Straining to remember what 6 Days was like, but it must have been the worst (though none of them are bad).

Could be really good; I'm just praying it doesn't have arbitrary point 'n' click puzzles, of the most arbitrary kind. Where it makes very little sense how to solve something.

That is implication though, not the actual definition of the word. I still agree, though.

Yeah it'll be a cheap cider bottle. You get a couple of litres (about half a gallon) of cider for £2 ($3.50) in one of those. Ruffians tend to drink it. That's right, ruffians.


I like this obsession/ addiction distinction. A novel way of looking at it.

Proper paragraphs from Brian Crecente? Well done, bro. Much easier to read article that most of yours.