
Yeah I thought about that, and honestly I'm hoping they're taking this as an opportunity to go for a different tone or approach. There are so many zombie games closer to Zombieland nowadays.

I know, hence the "yep, I'm taking this from a pre-rendered announcement trailer".

Agreed, and check my comm @Fernando in reply to you, too.

Fair point, watching it again a lot of the textures are relatively basic (the woman on the bed and the bed itself most notably) and the lighting and bloom'ey effects (dynamics basically) look very in-gameish.

Doesn't look very gritty. I want grit from an apocalypse/ zombie/ survival game. I want The Road or 28 Days Later. I want mundane survival and survival horror/ stealth with barebones, realistically difficult and scrappy action. This looks relatively cartoony and fast and action based.

It frustrated me that nobody seemed to realise it was Diana in the shower in the game's first teaser trailer. It was so obvious, and imho, a really clever story development for the series (which has been pretty flat on the story front since Codename: 47).

It sounded from the original info like it would be a superninja take on MGS. So you can go mental killing folk and hack 'n' slashing, but if you like you can go Tenchu and still kill folk.

Yeah sounds like it's just not your kind of thing. No-one says you need to have it. It's a much more solid interface than most, but that's because its focused on online/ quick access play.

You really think they won't make a new Monster Hunter game on the device at some point in the future?

Should have put '[sic]' at the end of your sentence rather than '(not a misspelling)'.

Elaborating on what those two said, the speed of Chrome alone is worth it. I'm currently on my Uni work laptop, which is a 2003 laptop. Chrome works like a fucking dream. Mozilla still takes tens of seconds to load certain pages, Chrome is practically instantaneous. And the UI is ingeniously simple.

I'm okay with the level itself; the game's level design would have to be opened up and defaulted for multiplayer because each player can do so many things. The interesting nature of the battlefield will come from all the acrobatic and swift shit the players are doing, not the backdrop itself. The level's just a

The touch-climbing thing looks nice but I think it's just a gimmick. Sure, it'd make things smoother, but it'll also move the experience closer to a non-tactile interactive movie thing. Imagine if you're stuck for a climbing route and you can just wipe your finger all over the screen and if any bits of miscellaneous

Rick Grimes.

Heh, that seems like a fair move by them. Chaos Theory is pretty bloody refined.

Double Agent was pretty flawed, but while Conviction was a radical departure from the Splinter Cell formula, it was a pretty excellent game in its own right. I enjoy it completely aside from Chaos Theory, which is probably the best stealth game ever made, but I still really enjoy it.

Ah that's a good point, the quote is really rather out of context now that I come to think of it.

I love a bit of Wilde, and it's fair to say that games don't need to take themselves seriously, but nowhere did I say games are trying to imitate more serious forms of art. They don't need to do that to take themselves seriously as James says.

Eh typo, second paragraph, first sentence, third part; 'it's also obvious that the novel wasn't seen...'.

If you're talking about power, which you seem to be, the 3DS is less powerful than the Vita, and that's a fact. There is not a handheld device as powerful as the Vita on the market. It has been designed to be at least 5 years ahead of the mobile curve.