
I wrote a 1000 < word post to you about a certain thing I disagreed with you on (though I don't necessarily disagree with you on the whole) and the entire thing disappeared on this fucking spastic laptop. Jesus.

She's horrific. Her head is a cube of blue hair. Her upper torso is a face.

Yeah, it's arcadey, but with a brilliant, visceral simulation. At least, in FPS view. You really feel every hit, every corner; and the handling makes perfect sense once you can see exactly what Tanner's hands are doing. My flatmate watched me play a bit last night in FPS and commented that it actually looked like a

Oh, haha!


I wouldn't be too bothered if other similarly-sized games hadn't gone without the install, thus making it redundant.

You can still play it without installing. He just recommends it.

It's all about smarts, not about difficulty. That's a massive misconception about this game. (Also getting impressions from videos, etc., isn't fitting. Like Arkham Asylum and others, it's not a game you can understand or enjoy from watching.)

I'm not sure, they're usually being slightly generous, taking the assumption that you'll do all of the riddler challenges and explore the whole city etc. Recently, devs have been pretty spot on with timescales; I'm pretty positive I played Deus Ex: HR for about 25-30 hours as they said, and Fallout 3 for the nearly

I thought the English voice acting in Demon's was superb, considering it had pretty thin story.

Now playing

As someone else noted, here's a version which puts the song in a slightly better light

Yeaaah! That was amazing! Really enjoyed that film, surprisingly

It's never that he pulls guns that's shocking; it's the context in which he pulls them. The Barbara one was so, so brutal.

Being dangled upside down for too long actually kills you.

I get the feeling they know that. That Asylum was easy to 100%. I get the impression they're upping their shit for City. To an insane degree.

Yeah. He certainly has humanity. He just likes messing with other people's humanity.

I'm pretty sure I read there's something like 40 hours of just-story gameplay in Arkham City? Not to mention replaying and perfecting challenge rooms, etc. And not to mention, if it's anything like Arkham Asylum, it'll actually be fun just playing through the story again because it was so thrilling and great.

Didn't know it was his last project in the role. I'm with you, man.

Yeah, a lot of those FPS gamers will actually be X-COM fans, too. So it basically sucks for everyone.

Lisa Foiles my opinion of her again by writing a surprisingly readable little article.