
Nope, not watching.

Also, it's not so much a "game" as a piece of "interactive fiction". Sure, as a game it sucked, there was no challenge and little incentive to do anything. But as a story and adventure it was great. That's why I, and most other people, played it and enjoyed it.

Reviews are an author's subjective opinion on a work. It doesn't need to do anything, just give you an impression of why they thought it was good/bad.

Great guys.

Not fake, according to the video description. The sound was leaked from the upcoming Blu-Ray release assets. So he just synched the sound that WILL be used in the Blu-Ray release, on top of the scene it WILL be from.

Exactly what I was thinking. It wouldn't be hard to do a short 'free trial' or something just to let people take part anyway, and hook em a little.

Re-using the soundtrack from the first trailer was goddamn retarded. Doesn't fit at all with words like "sheer fun" and "immensely satisfying".

Yeah, I feel ya. The franchise seemed to die a horrible death after 2.

I felt the same until I read an Edge Magazine preview of it. That was really a game-changer for me.

While I'm fairly confident that Rockstar will pull off the story/ atmosphere of this game (I wasn't until I read that they're keeping Remedy's mantra of "it's done when it's done", and trying to write it like them), the main reason I'm excited for this game is...

The story of the game goes from just after The Fall of Max Payne to 5 years later, when he's older, balding, and overweight. We'll play both Maxes substantially, IIRC at least several levels from MP3 will be his 'original' look.

Excellent interview. I'm impressed by your writing, too Brecente! Good stuff.

Well, that is one creepy fucking trailer.

And 360 isn't cross-compat with PC, unlike PS3.

The E3 gameplay demo that's being bandied about the comments section/ google seems legit. I read a couple of magazine-only previews, and they described playing exactly what is seen in that gameplay demo.

The only connection is thus:

Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of things recently that I thought were incredible back when I first watched them, but really aren't as good as I felt then.

I really don't get all this hate on Bodycount. I've played the demo 4-5 times now, and my only real criticism is how fucking ridiculously short the demo is. It's literally like 5 minutes of gameplay.

It didn't lag. It was just like Killzone 2: designed to feel slow and heavy to make it more satisfying. And that it did. (For me at least).

Come to think of it, I recently watched Aliens with a friend who has pretty good taste, and he said he felt the pacing was off, too. It could simply be that seeing as it was my favourite film when I was younger, I've got some rose-tinted glasses on. I positively agree with you on Terminator/ T2.