
The pacing was right in Aliens. It was just different from Alien. Cameron's aim was to evolve the original tense horror of Alien into a thrilling action experience, not simply recreate what Alien had done, and done perfectly. So the pace is meant to be faster and more immediate in the sequel, in an effort to keep it

The song added so much attitude to the visuals. Which had fucking gallons of 'tude in the first place.

I agree about the exploration: I love Demon's Souls but I find it often quite hard to play as the 'exploration' is all about surviving what's around the next corner; not seeing what's around the next corner for the adventure's sake.

I thought the song was great. About terror and apprehension, thematically good (lyrics about hell and punishment), and pretty rocking. Sat with the atmosphere of the video fine.

That word is gospel, man. I found that out after becoming extremely frustrated with the Flamelurker; when I came back after doing almost all of the x-1's and x-2's of the other worlds, Flamelurker stood no chance.

Are there any special bonuses for getting Steam's version?

You've got plenty of time to wait and see what the reviews are like for consoles/PC, unless your bro's birthday is seriously soon? That'd be the main thing, I'd say, wait and see the reviews. Although BF3 may be best on PC generally. Tough one.

While the art design and gameplay directions may be generic, what attracts me about this game is this:

Ah, sounds like you played MGS with the 'kill everybody' stealth approach. I try to do it by ghosting; not touching anyone or anything, simply doing your objective. That's the true way to play any stealth game imho. (And it makes MGS, even 4, fucking hard. But not impossible.) MGS games have always focused on the

Haha, totally. I actually loved the level design in Deadly Shadows, it was close to Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory in terms of "open but not too open" level design (if you haven't played that, I really recommend it as a stealth fan, it's truly the best stealth game ever made, even if the style seems all macho etc.).

"Regarding the controls, I recall Kojima saying something about how Japanese designers approach games vs non-Japanese designers. . ."

Metal Gear Solid, an easy-ass series to play? Uhm. No.

God, the first time, as a kid, I saw Pyramid Head through the bars in the apartments.

If you play the games, you'll find that Silent Hill uses that quite often. It just doesn't make for great screenshots.

You get Raiden for getting Gold in all the VR missions, btw =D

You should read Grant Morrison's run on Animal Man from the 80s. It's basically exactly what you just said, and equally as awesome.


The only one I've seen is the one that turns it into a zombie survival game. I can't remember what it was called though. Good crack for half an hour.

British reality TV almost never has situations artificially created. Most of it is totally legit. One time I watched a version of the U.S. Wife Swap, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was painful. The British one is painful for the often horrible realities it reveals, not how sorely kitch it is.

Even less well known that Deus Ex, haha! I'd see Thief: Deadly Shadows as a staple, and the previous iterations as "play if you liked Deadly Shadows but want better/more" experiences.