
Ah, fair enough. It's funny: I can't imagine what not knowing the original would be like. It seems like such a staple, everybody's-played-it experience (though that's obviously not the case).

Yeah, our respective accents probably don't compliment each other very well in that respect. I probably should have taken that into account as I'm a semi-linguist ;D


Yeah totally, I didn't mean to come across as talking down to console gamers. I've spent years on CS, and hardcore PC games, but I'm primarily a console gamer. The main reason PC players say console players have less skill is because of the control systems.

I think he means in terms of gameplay rather than the style and direction of the game.

They can shoot through most walls... And the best players know where everyone stands from experience.

Don't worry, in subsequent posts they've confirmed Dedicated Servers =D

I'd normally agree with you, and others have said exactly what you said.


That decoy grenade is a fucking good idea. Games need more decoy/ruse options these days.

This looks so, so shit.

I thought that's what this game was going for: so disappointing.

That's so frustrating! All the stuff shown in that trailer is exactly what the game needs. It's good, but far, far too short and a total cakewalk. It's actually laughable how easy it is until the last minutes, and it's so, so tiny.

There are three 'hub levels' that are pretty decent open worlds. You return to each of them a couple of times I believe. In the hub worlds there are a ton of sidequests, characters, places, events. But interspersing the hub worlds are normal levels; which are still very large, open and let you take varying approaches

Why ain't you a fan, Kov?

Damn straight bro.

Seriously, at the start of this year I felt the same. But having read some previews and watched a few videos since, I've gone from "no interest" to "I'm pretty confident it's going to be at least good".

What kind of incentives would you suggest?

Yeah- right after my comment there I looked up some videos and it looks nowhere near as good as they were billing it back in the early days. Oh well, still more appealing than 90% of MMOs out there.

It's looking to be one of the few MMO's with an actual tactile combat system like an action game. It's not turn or strategy based, and it's not entirely stat based. You have to actually fight.