Kenny Powers

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

your right to free speech, contrary to what many many many idiots in this country have somehow NEVER learned, does not mean right to say whatever you want and then be shocked that there are consequences for it that AREN’T just “you can’t say that.”

The companies they work for have freedom of speech too. They chose not to be associated with this asshole.

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.


“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”

“Why were you fired from your last job?”

I read this the whole way through, and I felt like the monitor was sapping my brain waves like that thing the Riddler used in Batman Forever.

It made almost $750 Million worldwide and won an Oscar, so what would you call it? Not to mention all the money they made off of licensing. If that is not a hit, I don’t know what is at this point.

Would more white people be shot since they make up a much larger portion of the population?

Clay is by far one of the most annoying sports talking heads. It’s odd someone who hates left wing lies submits a database printed by the Washington Post.

As a poc male, I would settle for people not to be afraid of me (or, probably more accurately, me feeling that my presence is likely to cause fear in white people, causing me to feel really embarrassed without anything perceptible having actually happened). There are layers.

Pearl clutching level: MAXIMUM

I’m pretty sure that the mere mention of reparations will send 20k white people into cardiac arrest.

If you were raised properly, you would know the “ They did it first!” excuse is not accepted from Kindergartners, let alone adult racists.

Diana, in the first instance you can redact whatever you want without any explanation whatsoever. The other side then asks for a privilege log. After that you can delay, or say whatever you want. Only on a motion to compel will you absolutely have to give an explanation. And often, you can delay and negotiate long

Under federal law domestic abusers are not legally allowed to own/purchase/carry/etc. Ohio State law has no law regarding the check or confiscation of firearms of domestic abusers.