Kenny Powers

Man how did “James Gunn fired by Marvel” turn into one of the best decisions ever?

“This is saying, somebody like me has a place in this industry,”

In before people make the inevitable comments proving the piece right.

Ooh, and now I’m thinking “The White Space Challenge”.

Waaait, so Cisco isn’t just happy, he’s off the show??
I did kind of think something was up because he left a gift for Kaitlyn.

WTF, Cisco is easily one of the best on the whole Arrow-verse (deserved a better costume too).

The big lesson is that despite what seems like omnipresence at all levels fanboys are still a tiny minority of moviegoers. They still don’t represent by far enough bums on seats to swing the numbers for something like Star Wars or Marvel movies, despite all the huffing and puffing of some.

Hey, I don’t have any problem with that there. lol I would 100% rather be associated with James Gunn on here than some other folks we’ve seen written about.

But he didn’t hide behind that apology like a shield. He was really open about saying, “I understand that apologizing doesn’t put an end to the hurt I caused, and I want to keep trying to make amends and be a better person even when I don’t get cookies for it.” That’s a sign of real maturity to me.

I’ll assume you’re talking about me. lol It’s funny because it’s not even because I’m a big fan of his that I got so involved in the story. I would say I like about half the movies he’s directed over the years. What drew me in was more what caused his firing to begin with. I’ve had huge issues with Cernovich and his

Yeah... except he already apologized and owned up to his mistakes years ago, which is why the Disney firing was so stupid.

And in a nice turn of karma, a large number of the alt right troll leaders who began the campaign against Gunn have been banned from twitter (and some of the online payment platforms) and are now stuck hawking scams on infowars.

If there’s proof that people can change, it’s James Gunn. He used to make easy/poor taste jokes on Twitter, and turned that into a fight for LBGT peeps and against injustice.

His roasting by Trumpers and eventual firing proved he’d hit a nerve. Glad Disney did the right thing and I’m even more glad that he’s still

Class act. Owned up to his mistakes, apologized.

I think Netflix became popular because you could get your DVD’s by mail instead of going to the store... Your history skipped an entire generation.

I could see this coming once Disney announced their service and started pulling content. Streaming was a cord cutters dream and now if you want everything you’ll pay as much as you did with cable if you want all the choices. 

“If you thought that turn on Game of Thrones felt rushed, surprising, or like it came out of haven’t been paying attention.”

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

Dude I’m about ready to spoil the entirety of the movie on you. 

Now playing

The smell thing from season one was just dumb. Also it was so long a go I don’t know if I remember the details that well. I tend to ignore it cause it’s the only time I can remember where zombie’s ability to smell came into play. I need to go watch it again:

“Noel Wells, who plays Rachel on Master of None, tweeted this last night after the story was released. As someone who knows and worked with Aziz, does this sound like she believes the woman’s clams or that Aziz deserves the benefit of doubt...”