“It took some finagling to get the stairs to work, but I successfully created a small, split level home.”
“It took some finagling to get the stairs to work, but I successfully created a small, split level home.”
When I see stuff about The Hills it almost always makes me think of Schmidt’s online dating video.
I kinda hoped there’d be a twist with Allison’s death. Like, correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Allison mentioned/alluded to moving to/living in different places and going away/disappearing several times this season?? And since their stories about that night’s events & what was said/done were quite different and her…
Not new either, the “stink palm” & the stink palm + chocolate covered pretzels
“Where did Michael B. Jordan come from??” The East Dillon Lions, that’s where! Vince Howard is MY quarterback!!
He confessed as much in the finale: “I did it for me. I liked it.”
I just shared Vince Gilligan’s full quote above, but as he mentions, Skylar was complicate. She eventually changed her moral standing & helped Walt:
Vulture: One of the criticisms of Breaking Bad that keeps coming up is over the female characters. Skyler White is seen by some as this henpecking woman who stands in the way of all of Walt’s fun.
Same. And I completely agree & felt the same way too. haha
I feel obligated to share “Star Wars: Evolution of the Lightsaber Duel” again because it’s awesome & relevant!!
To me, the biggest problem/complaint with The Phantom Menace is it had all the pieces (or “ingredients”) to be great, but unfortunately, it some how isn’t. Which I assume is one of, if not the main reason(s) “the internet hive mind” claims it “completely sucked.”
Noel Wells, who plays Rachel on Master of None, tweeted this last night after the story was released. As someone who knows and worked with Aziz, does this sound like she believes the woman’s clams or that Aziz deserves the benefit of doubt because “it’s still a he said/she said”?? (This is a rhetorical question.)