Kenny Powers

Instead, McDonalds will mail McRibs to the hundred or so people who actually find them not disgusting.


The episode is pretty hilarious and it features one of the shows 2 funniest/best characters is why there's a post about it. It may seem odd if you didn't watch it.

Considering South Park makes an entire episode in one week so their story/jokes are topical and relevant, you're damn right it's news.

Brilliant headline. Fantastically, disheartening irony.

Good try, AP, blame the media. Your word right now is SOOO much better.

And do those numbers reflect single, employed women OR single, unemployed women???

Fort Campbell and retired military finding work and remaining in the area probably has a lot to do with this.

Crown Royal Maple + Root Beer = THE BEST

This was obligatory.

Joey Gladstone said it best

because that's worse than sitting on a public toilet seat?

you forgot the word allegedly. oh and there's no proof, guy.

Why not replace toilets with a trough conducive for bathroom wall sitting??

Why not put a pole in the bathroom to hold onto and lean back??

"pink crap"

WAIT. This wasn't a thing yet?!?! You're serious?? No one thought about this until now??

I just hope there's no chlorine in the pool.