
There’s a new commercial on Hulu for United Methodist Churches that says “Church can happen anywhere” ...that phrase really scares me for some I’m going to wake up in my house, go downstairs, and there’s church going on.... gives me the chills.

When I get those almost frozen, individually wrapped butter pats, I hold them in my cupped hands for 20-30 seconds and it makes them easier to spread.

Uhh, “kosher” doesn’t necessarily mean anything more than the animal has been slaughtered according to Jewish food laws — butchered by a Jew and chanted over as it bleeds to death while fully conscious — and that the manufacturer has paid a hefty and continuing fee to get “certified” by one or more of the many

When your list is that long and full of that many great films (and a shitlod of lousy ones) I would suggest that maybe cinema is just not for you.

And its only a partial list. Like, if one hates movies so much - why keep going, over and over and over. It’s amazing.

Uniball should be a religion. I love my Vision Elite.

Uniball should be a religion. I love my Vision Elite.

I have to disagree with 130 hours a week combined being more than 90% of households. I live in a very low income area and most people around here put in 70 or more hours apiece, spread across two or three part-time jobs (the only kind available for the most part), which adds even more time in transit. I know several

You do realize you just bragged about your pressure cooker, bread maker, and storage availability, right? I’m not commenting on the inclusion of beef choices, because chicken is all most people affected in this thread can afford.

That’s really awesome that 2 professional, college-educated, middle-class people who live together have the time and where-withal to buy $120 in meat and food to cook in their $80 pressure cooker. Good for you, man!

That’s assuming everyone has a) a working oven, stove, and whatever other gadgets necessary to make everything, b) the storage space for meal planning, c) the consecutive time to make so much in one sitting, d) the access to the food in the first place, and e) the knowledge with which to do those things. My spouse is

How fortunate for you that you have a whole day off in which to cook. Many people who work multiple jobs work 7 days a week and do not have 5 or 6 hours at a stretch to cook food ahead of time. Really poor people may not have pressure cookers and crock pots and all sorts of fancy appliances. At best, a shitty

You just ignored what everyone else had to say about lack of skills, time, and energy, didn’t you? There’s also something the poor face that you and your white collar wife don’t: decision fatigue.

You are condescending as fuck.

I mean, they were trying to make pop specs happen in Morocco.

YES I totally did not realize till this article that was Idris Elba. No wonder that rent boy was so foine!

I feel like the sex and the city movies were trying to be as awesome as.that one abfab episode where they went to Morocco.

I originally thought that, too. But then I realized she was starting to mention how she and Carl were able to slip outside the fence, unnoticed, last season. That’s all.

Your life or your lupines!

I would absolutely do this because I would have no idea where to start otherwise. I had vague plans to adopt a cat, but then a cat ran into my house so I never had to actually go pick one.