
Right? I can’t imagine wanting my daughter to watch this let alone be in it.

Good lord, you are right.

His beard looks like flocking.

Agree wholeheartedly.

Part of me expected Glenn to be the person Maggie was so happy about seeing walking up to Hilltop.

Yeah, drug effects on fetuses and on breastfeeding babies are two different things. I’m breastfeeding and on Zoloft, it was suggested by three separate doctors.

Okay Joe Mangienello and Chuck Mangione are >not< the same person. Got it.

A former boss, who trained as a radiologist and was very senior at our organisation, came to work once with a highly contagious stomach flu, asked me to book him a hotel room because he didn’t want to bring “this awful thing home to his wife and kids”.

I worked at the same place as a woman who laughingly told me “I wash my hands before I pee!” as she walked straight out of the stall and out into the world.

Go look at Billy West’s twitter feed. He’s been recording Trump quotes in Zapp Brannigan’s voice for days.

If you get it while you’re pregnant, it will help the baby be immune too.

This was exactly what I thought! Especially considering the 60+ age gap between him and his son.

It’s the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Yes. Yes it is. At least I’m female.

Yeah, something like that. She initiated the sexual relationship and then he rapes her? I don’t remember very well.

Yeah. I think that’s what my mother thought. Instead it was about a resentful college student who forms inappropriate relationships and rapes his mother. As far as I can remember.

My mother chose “Spanking the Monkey” at the video store and adolescent me was too mortified to tell her what that phrase meant so instead I had to watch it with her and be even more mortified.

Yeah, I would not have put my dying dog through that for anything.

19 year old son of a South African diamond mine owner. I was 23. I gave him a bad cold, probably.

Don’t forget the sex alien. Dreadful.