
I’ll happily pay to see it in the theater — just NOT in 3D.

So long as people like this guy are around, civilization can always rebuild.

You mean like the culture where someone would declare all this “weird white people shit” rather than just weird shit?

Wait, didn’t GotG introduce like, 10 characters and get you to care about them?

I get comments like this a lot when the topic comes up and it always feels reductive. I actually want to take time to address it. The idea that people don’t play through the entire game is really absurd. In order to find tricks, runners and hunters have to play through the game as intended to understand mechanics and

Everyone knows Fire is a gateway spell. Sooner or later you move on to Fira and eventually you’re in some back alley sucking **** for enough mp to cast Warp.

Shut up and take my multipass!

...pass traveler...

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

White male conservative here. While I won’t be watching this show (though I highly doubt it really promotes white genocide) it doesn’t harm me in any way. I will continue with my Netflix addiction. I’d be willing that 99.9% of conservatives agree with me.

2PM EST update: the 4 assailants were all charged with hate crimes. To continue the Roof comparison, South Carolina doesn’t have “hate crime” laws allowing increased punishment for race/gender motivated crimes. Roof’s hate crime charges were federal and came via a DOJ investigation.

As of 11AM EST, the Chicago PD haven’t announced any formal charges against the 4 attackers, only that part of their investigation will include whether the language in the video warrants a hate crime distinction. For comparison, Dylann Roof’s federal hate crime charges came almost 3 weeks after he was arrested for the

Bullshit. Bring in more revenue. Obamacare extended the solvency of Medicare by over a decade. Tens of millions of people rely on Social Security as their only source of income. Cutting benefits puts them out on the streets to die.

To be fair, the car in the right side could clearly see the car in front of the red car (or at least should have been able to see, because they have a clear line of sight). The driver in the Tesla car did not have the same angle and so was unable to see the second and third car past the red car.

Incorrect. The right hand lane car stopped after the auto-brake chime ended. milliseconds at 55+mph = dozens of feet.

Get a basic gigabit, that’s all you need and it is plug and play, super simple. Just keep in mind, one port is used to connect to the router so a 5 port switch is actually 4, 8 port is actually 7, ect.

Get a basic gigabit, that’s all you need and it is plug and play, super simple. Just keep in mind, one port is used

Counterpoint: You’re an idiot that misses the point.

Why is the picture uncensored on the main page of gizmodo?

So it is official now that I cannot look at Gizmodo on my lunch break because the motherfucking front page will have porn on it?!

it is far too early for this shit