
I have to ask, where is the article or statement that says that the police definitely believed him? That seems like pure conjecture meant to paint an unproven narrative when it comes to these officers. (Also not a single article I read said that any weapons were found IN the car. Both the handgun and AR-15 were

He is in administrative segregation. Not solitary confinement. It’s the velvet rope line of admission to prison. I’m not saying it’s right or just or fancy or pleasant. It is what it is. A safe space a rich celebrity brought on himself where he won’t get shanked. So fuck him.

I am actually curious of what laws you think they are breaking. Can you name them please, because a lot of this actually seems like it would be covered under the first amendment.

In the cases he cited greenscreening objects would absolutely mean cgi. If the need to remove or replace those roadsigns or guardrails it’s going to be done through cgi.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Except those “alternate ideas” happen to be bullshit. Ignorance has no place here.

Viewers are advised that what they are viewing is a spectacle and is not real and that the train will not, in fact, come out of the movie screen and run over them.

I, for one, applaud the Kremlin’s promotion of independent video games. Maybe next they’ll start actually reviewing them.

Good spot Russia. Also tell us about the police bribes going on in Fortune City.

I’m pretty sure I’m completely straight, but daaaaaamn....

This is the first thing I notice when I go to a friends house. It’s my personal mission to disable this feature on every TV I see.

Speaking strictly as a guy who does computer security for a living, this is horrible advice. Your phone is much more likely to be physically stolen than to be exploited in this manner.

Yes, there can be absolutely no nuance to anything. Because this person objects to someone shooting flames at someone else he is a Nazi, gotcha.

Were all the princesses 3d animated or were some of the earlier ones 2d? I also wonder if they’re going to throw in any Kingdom Hearts references being it’s a Disney movie about video games.

I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

The dude was literally yelling about his political ideas in court. He’s clearly got some pretty heavy political motivations.

He is a terrorist by his intent to use violence to influence a great number of Muslims, not just the ones he confronted.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

There are two conditions to be met for someone’s gender/ sexual orientation to matter. 1) You want to have sex with them. 2) They want to have sex with you. If both conditions are met, then great, have sex. If both conditions are not met, regardless of the reason for those conditions not being met, then go about your

Huh? Isn’t that exactly what the article said?