
I have to ask, where is the article or statement that says that the police definitely believed him? That seems like pure conjecture meant to paint an unproven narrative when it comes to these officers. (Also not a single article I read said that any weapons were found IN the car. Both the handgun and AR-15 were

He is in administrative segregation. Not solitary confinement. It’s the velvet rope line of admission to prison. I’m not saying it’s right or just or fancy or pleasant. It is what it is. A safe space a rich celebrity brought on himself where he won’t get shanked. So fuck him.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Viewers are advised that what they are viewing is a spectacle and is not real and that the train will not, in fact, come out of the movie screen and run over them.

I, for one, applaud the Kremlin’s promotion of independent video games. Maybe next they’ll start actually reviewing them.

Good spot Russia. Also tell us about the police bribes going on in Fortune City.

Speaking strictly as a guy who does computer security for a living, this is horrible advice. Your phone is much more likely to be physically stolen than to be exploited in this manner.

I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

I have two kids. I love my kids.

You mean like the culture where someone would declare all this “weird white people shit” rather than just weird shit?

I get comments like this a lot when the topic comes up and it always feels reductive. I actually want to take time to address it. The idea that people don’t play through the entire game is really absurd. In order to find tricks, runners and hunters have to play through the game as intended to understand mechanics and

Everyone knows Fire is a gateway spell. Sooner or later you move on to Fira and eventually you’re in some back alley sucking **** for enough mp to cast Warp.

...pass traveler...

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

Get a basic gigabit, that’s all you need and it is plug and play, super simple. Just keep in mind, one port is used to connect to the router so a 5 port switch is actually 4, 8 port is actually 7, ect.

Get a basic gigabit, that’s all you need and it is plug and play, super simple. Just keep in mind, one port is used

With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.

it is far too early for this shit

I recommend people check out Pandemic Legacy first. The reactions to SeaFall have been ... mixed.

Level 5 autonomous systems do not require hands-on attentiveness from the driver.

I’m going to assume less than people kill.