
Jail is not prison. Manafort is in jail, not prison. Solitary confinement in jail is not the same thing as solitary confinement in prison. It is not a windowless cement box. It is confinement, in a private cell. What is the other option? Place him in general population? Is that really desired?

You’re assuming Pence isn’t implicated.

The getaway driver can absolutely be charged with murder if one of the other robbers commits the crime. I have no idea whether that extension might apply in this situation, but “he didn’t kill anyone” is NOT an absolute defense for murder, nor in my opinion should it be.

For those who don’t need to be able to read in sunlight, a tablet is great. Once you take that sucker outside though, you’ll begin to ... *puts on sunglasses* ...see the light.

“has aged gracefully”. Has it ever!

“a worker at Sandia National Laboratories incorrectly turned a valve that unleashed an explosion that could have killed him another co-worker”

In the end it doesn’t matter. This attack is not a permanent solution for the stolen car. They only need time to drive it onto a truck/into a chop shop.

So much this.

They are all uncut.

A fine one to end on.

There can absolutely be a distinction. It is likely illegal for a (used car) dealer to sell a car in that condition, registration or no registration. If that’s the case, then a reasonable definition of “operable” would therefore likely exclude this vehicle.

I can’t answer your question but feel compelled to complement your choice of nickname anyways.

On the Nintendo Switch: “We’re hopeful that by aiming their 3DS and set-top development power at a single platform”

No Ultra HD Blu-ray. Why, Sony, why?


No, in fact they’ve stated the opposite.

His point is not that automated cars are unassailably safer than human drivers today. His point is that they will become so. This will take progress and transition. You mention that his financial motives make his point suspect. Unnecessarily sensationalist coverage of automated accidents serves the financial motives

You’re missing the point. This is a dog whistle to moderate republicans who abhor Trump, and yet are contemplating voting for him to prevent liberal justices being appointed. He’s saying “Don’t let this one issue force your hand. Consider everything and vote your conscience.”  I wish him the best of luck in this.

It of course does matter when you eat, if it changes how much you eat. By eating very late at night, you waste precious “full” time on a sleeping you.

This comment, while somewhat creepy, is nothing more than a distraction. I don’t care that he was creepy. I don’t care that he was crass. I don’t care that he used foul language. What matters is that he admitted to committing sexual assault.