
I recommend people check out Pandemic Legacy first. The reactions to SeaFall have been ... mixed.

Musk’s conclusion, of course, presumes that autonomous cars are definitively safer than conventional vehicles and will reduce deaths once adopted. That may be true some day, but given the current state of self-driving tech, it seems worth asking for proof.

Level 5 autonomous systems do not require hands-on attentiveness from the driver.

I’m going to assume less than people kill.

For comparison the Dell UltraSharp 27" 5k display is $2k; this is $100 less and includes a computer. Plus, if you already own a Mac computer you can use this for Target Display mode and have a 5k display for that other Mac so calling it a rip-off is more fanboyism than truth.

For comparison the Dell UltraSharp 27" 5k display is $2k; this is $100 less and includes a computer. Plus, if you

Inside Llewyn Davis? Lost in Translation? What? Are they out of their minds? ILD is not even in the top 5 best Coen movies. It’s not even that good, really.

Poe’s Law apparently applies to all forms of willfull ignorance, not just politics. On the one hand, some people haven’t seen GoT, and there’s no reason for those people to know who Margaery Tyrell is, but on the other hand, it’s just about the most exposed franchise around for several years running, and also happens

Agreed, but it’s really apples and oranges, since on Android you will rarely even get an OS update unless you’re on a small subset of phones, so Google has to find ways to get other app updates in.

The Autopark system uses sonic proximity sensors around the bumper, not radar. That’s why it has a blindspot around the greenhouse. Radar doesn’t work at that close of a range.

The only point you made to actually get rid of the jack is to save space.

Absolutely. Though I wonder if you still need the app open for the accessory to work...

Didn’t you hear the keynote? The #1 reason why they did it is “Courage”.

That’s really not how MDMA works. It releases heavy amounts of serotonin. It’s nothing like “overclocking”, and there is little evidence that it “kills” you brain. I do, however, agree with you that occasional use is not likely to do any serious damage. However, people with mood disorders (e.g. bi-polar disorder)

A guy that considers Quake to be the best FPS ever argues that Half-Life 2 is not good because the story makes no sense... this is just hilarious.

I’m not choosing one to vote for. I’m choosing one to vote against.

Donald Trump is still opening his mouth, breathing in air, and exhaling sounds that seem to motivate some of the most hateful people currently living in North America on a regular basis?

Not in the lead image, I can’t. :P

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

It’s near impossible to fathom but that is the only thing we’re talking about because it was only the most crazy. He also praised torture, said the Geneva Conventions were obsolete, contradicted his earlier position on a federal minimum wage, and told a reporter to “be quiet.”