
The Flashpoint Paradox?

Because it’s guaranteed by the constitution that a defendant has the right to confront their accuser. Does that justify what they did? No... But the defense has to be allowed to question the witness.

Attorneys have the right to cross examine any witness testifying. That’s why you can’t just introduce depositions, affidavits, and the like. That does not give them the right to treat her the way they did. There are a multitude of other ways used to ensure she was able to testify, rather than this monstrosity of

Unless the meaning has changed since I checked 30 seconds ago (hint: it hasn’t) Racism is when you imply that one race is better than another.

I’m trying to figure out what is the racist part still. I watched the whole thing and I don’t quite know what was racist.

Are German pancakes slightly racist? French toast? White bread? Or are we just hypersensitive, taking offense where none was intended?

The burden of proof falls on Kanye to prove that there was consent. To be asked to prove that something DIDN’T happen is ridiculous, especially in this context. That is the argument made in rape cases all of the time lmao. “How do we know she didn’t say it was okay to do it?”

Im not going to pretend to know how Pokemon Go renders or that there isn’t improvements to be made, but I imagine a large part of the drain is simply you have to have XYZ running as well for the whole system to function properly. And simply put, Phones are continually designed for “looks” rather than function, more

I mean the amateurish skill of the “redrawn” part might hurt it, but I also think the actual trailer animation looks better and really sets the “tone”.

It doesn't really work for me....I trust Bruce Timm

ALS hasn't killed him for fifty years. He's a tough sonofabitch.

How is it ironic that a machine that works the land be called Terra. It was ironic that being a writer you used the word “ironically” to describe related things instead of opposites.

You’re a doctor, so let’s defer to evidence.

The problem with this statistic (there are actually several on Kellerman’s methodology, but I won’t go into those here) is that the figure of gun deaths includes suicides, a more common cause of gun death in the home than homicides and accidents combined. One can reasonably conclude that, while a gun is one of the

Believe me, I’m pretty much opposed to almost everything Gawker defends and Brexit is absolutely the wrong choice.

The Democrats have shown to be able to compromise. The answer to any compromise by the GOP is almost always no.

Agreed. He’s nothing but a two-bit conman. A bitcon man, if you will.

I don’t know what to make of all that other than I’m certain that Wright did not invent Bitcoin. I’m not sure if he’s a brilliant conman pretending to be crazy or just a crazy conman who isn’t very good at being a conman, but the common thread is that he’s obviously a conman.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

If you find any pokemon sexy to begin with, you have bigger problems than donald trump.