Starred for Moonstruck Olympia. <3<3<3
Starred for Moonstruck Olympia. <3<3<3
I loved that they added he wouldn't have to pay marital support bc of a prenup. At $13,000 a month in child support I'd sure as hell hope she doesn't needn't other support.
Extra star for Moonlighting.
I can’t forget this one. My wish was fulfilled that year.
You neglected to mention how he secretly installed Windows Vista into everyones computer. Method as fuck
everything this! I go back and forth with the MPPD, I sure needed them when i was followed to my car by 8 guys i asked politely not to piss on my house steps the other night though:) The even showed up in less than a half hour which is a record i think.
A lot of rural hospitals look like that.
It’s a very rural area. I lived in Tallahassee for college and reading this I’m surprised to hear that there’s even a hospital in Blounstown.
Good heavens no, Lindy wouldnt have been so open about the flaws here. Most of the stuff she wrote was binary, black/white views
I guess the problem people have here is the lack of internal logic to it all. Like, there has been such a long history of Jezebel authors being indignantly outraged because so-and-so made a comment about some woman’s body, and so there has been a huge culture against “body shaming” here... doubly so if has to do with…
Can I please get out of the greys? I comment occasionally on Jez, and it’s frustrating to always be stuck in here :c
Jia, this was thoughtful and wonderful. A fitting end to a weird year.
My cousin was on House Hunters this season (you guys probably all hated her, she bought a really nice condo in Chicago).While I know the formula I dont’ think it ruined it for me at all! I still like seeing the housing options and what they like and don’t like about them. I still like tweeting about how god-awful the…
Because saying,
This thread needs more Loki.
It’s Ian Smolderholder.
“Blanchett was in talks to appear in the next Thor installment.”
What no Thor .gif? (Total chance to start the conversion to THOR only site?)
there are die-hard fans that want to see him with different people.