
This is how we need to comment on all TS posts at all times.

He was great in that and in Wallander when he was the put-upon jerky rookie detective. Afro-Awkward-Tom FTW.

Emma Stone sidenote:

I am totally ashamed of how quickly I fell back into “Awww..! Tom!” instead of “Ughh..! TOM!!!”

She is. She totally is. When it comes to tormenting Swiftie and bringing her down a peg or 2 ? I bet she could sit and meditate on a silver dress for days.

That is up there as one of the greatest one-liners ever.

WTF is HollywoodLife supposed to be anyway? I’ve read some terrible celebrity pablum in my day, but DAMN ! I tried to read a post and I felt like I had ants crawling all over my body.

I’m only slightly exaggerating when I say that my state heaved a collective sigh of relief and cried at the same time. I was so worried that his parents were never going to get any type of closure in their lifetimes.

Damn, Taylor...OWN your boob job! Edit to give her a modicum of respect on that non-denial.

I was at the Perkins in Coon Rapids, MN after an all night party. I was so bummed out, I could barely eat and my friends were giving me shit and massive eye-rolls.

As someone who works peripherally with Hennepin county courts and law enforcement- I totally second that.

OK- Gather around the campfire- story time.

I just watched the whole series again with the hubs and I am all for season two. That was a major change in tune for me, because I had been “One and DONE” to the point of annoyance for the past few weeks.

Are Taylor and Tom Hiddleston Taylor Swift’s Boyfriend (tm) laying the groundwork for a “break up”- as in “This was a horrible PR ploy- let’s move along”?

This poem gave me a lot to think about. Mostly about how much I am craving french fries right now and how Kanye West is just so completely insufferable.

This warms my cold, passive-aggressive Minnesota heart.

Ooohh..Mister Manwriter!!!

“EXCLUSIVE !! Baby Bump Pics!”

I hate it when I wish the time away, but I WANT IT TO BE 2017 RIGHT THIS DAMN MINUTE!!!!

Snarky music blogger (who is in reality some dude I went to school with and am friends with on FB SO WHO KNOWS! ) said that she won’t release an album until late 2017 and there are rumored “complications” because Ed Sheerhan is getting sued? I googled and all I could find is that they think he is her ghostwriter and