It’s terrible- I already had some convoluted plan to get alone with him that will ultimately result in him brawling some wildlife poachers! :-(
It’s terrible- I already had some convoluted plan to get alone with him that will ultimately result in him brawling some wildlife poachers! :-(
Ugh. I know I am still big, fat gray loser- but I am so sad you are going, Mark.
I have been seeing this guy on the internet almost daily for god knows how long and the thought that he talks has never even crossed my mind until you posted this.
The two separate people I know that work in the industry both say the same thing: “Closeted Alcoholic”.
Yeah- if I recall he was one of the first guys to put out the “Hetero-romantic bisexual” explanation.
I would star this a thousand times if I could.
I know I am eternally condemned to the grays- but please Leslie- tell me if your dog is a regular paw licker! I have a neurotic cocker mix that continually licks her paws and we have ruled out most of the skin or allergy issues. The vet is just “Let’s do 8 thousand dollars worth of tests!” but his vet assisant said he…
Right when I convince myself that Hiddleston is overrated, likely kind of an elitist and begin moving on with my life, he goes and puts on his glasses and now I love him again and just want to sit quietly and read a book beside him.
911 Police Dispatch Centers do that a lot, too. People always kind of forget about the people taking the 911 calls from victims of events like this, even though technically, they are first on scene.
Really? I kind of want to marry him now.
Is it weird that I immediately thought to myself “Oooh! He’s like a cute little British Bill Paxton!”
Do you mean Christopher Walken ?
Maybe she realized that being one of Ailes’ blonde Foxbots was dehumanizing and morally corrupt. LOLNONOTREALLY!
Do they qualify as an OTP? Because I was freaking rooting for those two crazy kids!
Oh no- I love Ryan Adams. I just caught myself off-guard when I read about him covering a Taylor Swift album and squeed so loud that the cats ran out of the room..
Me too. I am sortakindaoknonotreally embarrassed about how excited I am for this.
Two Observations:
I know! The Hiddlestoners are all on the spectrum “I’m so happy for him, they will have such cute babies!” to “You know, just because he has his arm around her doesn’t mean anything and we should totally not be jumping to conclusions right now. Like, who doesn’t have friends of the opposite sex?” I tried to convince…