
As one of the token Olds around here, I just need to let my heart ache for the little Hiddleslovers all over Instagram that are trying so very hard to not lose their shit over this whole thing. I genuinely feel for them because I remember that when Simon LeBon got married I pretty much took to my bed for about 3 days.

It’s giant because it’s true.

If that was my kid, I would have put him down like a lame horse. I cannot believe that she apologized.

Reading this devastates me on so many levels. When I was a half-assed musician and a hanger-on in the 80’s and 90’s, we really looked to The Runaways as almost patron saints of women rock musicians. This is sad and awful, but not surprising, unfortunately. What does surprise me, however is Joan Jett’s unwillingness to

The drama and stupidity coming out of the Avengers press junket just makes me think that being in the Marvel Universe is the biggest double edged sword in Hollywood. Huge career step, but you have to be willing to sell your soul to the publicity machine for it. Not making excuses for any of them, but they all look

I think my beloved Dionne turning out to be a complete and utter moron and quite possibly delusional is perhaps the ultimate celebrity betrayal I have suffered. I am saying this as a woman who was in love with George Michael for YEARS, too.

Do you need a Silkwood Shower??

In 2015, I am declaring the very use of the word "problematic" to be PROBLEMATIC.

The nice thing about going with Ipsy (which for me is a huge crap shoot), is that between the stuff I know I won't use and the cosmetic bag I can make up some little gifty things for my girlfriends or nieces.

I love that movie like its one of my children.

Here, here. I agree. I hate feeling like I am outgrowing this website just because I am over 40.

Oh great- here come the Dogsplainers. edit

Goddamnit, Xander. Get yourself together and be well, baby!


Well, they couldn't be the ones who would actually bring the children to a wine-tasting ! That is considered tacky in D.C. circles!

God, I hope so. If someone could convince me she gets mean- and I am talking like JOAN CRAWFORD DRUNK mean, I think I would follow her to the ends of the earth.

I am gray, so no one will ever see this, but I love telling this story any chance I get.

...and that very same reminder got my husband out to see "Coriolanus" and he has never expressed a minute's worth of regret in the year since.

Because Gillian is the Supreme Goddess and Dakota Johnson is a void. A flesh-toned, boring void. What is the saying? "There is no there there."