
It’s the internet. Your question is moot.


Way to pull off a 74-word sentence.

Combat between ships and bases on land tend to end badly for the ships, as islands and such is somewhat harder to sink... I am actually just now a few miles away from where one of the nazis' newest and best ships in the beginning of WW2, the Blücher, was leading a battlegroup on their way to occupy Oslo, until they

The problem here is not the airstrip but China laying claim to the whole South China Sea, encroaching within the 200 nautical miles territory given to each country under UNCLOS. Look up their nine dash line policy and how they came up with it to understand how unsettling that is to countries around it. From the

A lot harder to sink an island and a lot easier to get it back in working shape. Besides, the issue here is not such much a platform for planes as it is literally pushing out geopolitical borders. Put another way, consider how the political and military dynamics of the period prior to WW2 might have been different if

Synaptics came up with the design for the device according to Wikipedia.

It's one of the best things Apple ever didn't really invent!


Wait... the files are INSIDE the computer?

Nobody cares if this one, that they'll never be able to have, is real or not. People want to see what the iPhone THEY'LL get looks like, and my bet is this is pretty damn close.

Can't wait to see your reaction when this is dead on.

Well aren't you special.

CtOS: Your world— Connected.

It is worth repeating for those who never studied WWI that there are two technological advancements we take for granted now, which were not available at the start of WWI that resulted in the horrors of trench warfare and the static nature of the Western Front.

1) There were no wireless radios, so there was no way to

As a networking professional, we need them to go back to the damn drawing board every time they craft a law stating that all traffic is equal, while disallowing oversight which can throttle down botnets, torrents, and frankly anything that doesn't NEED the maximum speed of the internet. When some surgeon is doing a


I think this and many upcoming fighting vehicles are technologically scaleable. You could give it an Occulus Rift/F-35 like helmet mounted display and you could virtually see right through it, or even a 3D capable display with associated glasses, although windows are KISS solution when things don't go right and tech

I'd say the "Sensor XL" (the one before the one you pictured) was actually the pinacle. There's nothing wrong with the Mach 3, of course. But it wasn't really better than the previous generation either.