
Talk about the books those women wrote. What you enjoyed about them. What you disliked about them. Recommend their books to other people. Start book clubs that feature them.

I get that. It infuriates me though when people re-interpret the words of smart men in the past to justify their own misguided and half thought out philosophies. Orwell was a smart man, but I’m not about to get into a whole separate argument with an idiot about how he’s mis-interpreted a historical figure rather than

Uh, it says you can’t buy one after 2050, but you can still keep your current gas-guzzlers.

Yeah, our prisons are just overflowing with those damn drug millionaires!

Are you elderly? Firefox is the only way to go.

ugh eww

Three and a half billion light years away in the Virgo constellation, two supermassive black holes are on the verge of smacking into one another smacked into each other three and a half billions years ago. In 100,000 years later, their cosmic collision will send sent ripples across the fabric of spacetime.

I’m on your side. I played pickup hockey at the beach when I was younger. We used trash cans as nets. That’s why I said “I guess depending on YOUR opinion...”.

I don’t think the economic status of people who enjoy hockey has much to do with it being a great game or not.... people who use cans as nets can’t afford to buy the nets. It’s not some sort of socially defiant optional thing when better things are around. Your wording is ignorant and inflammatory. Stick with things

The cross waving was weird to me, both as an atheist and as someone raised Catholic. Is she a vampire? Are they driving her out of town? Or are they simply threatening her with crucifixion? If the cross-waving is intended to be positive and welcoming, would it not have been better to greet her with palms, like

I am so sick of this. I’m Appalachian, and I was raised to treat people with empathy. It was never acceptable in my household to slander gays or trans* people. Ever. Can we stop being absolute jerks to people from my region? Because it reeks of classism and something awfully close to ethnic hatred.

Admittedly it’s been a while since I last saw Deliverance, but (as someone who was born in Kentucky) I feel like this is a pretty hateful comparison to make. What did hill country rapists ever do to you that deserved being compared to Mike Huckabee?

If you don’t like the law, change it. Until then you are breaking the law.

This is so historically inaccurate. Everyone knows the Ancient Romans spoke with British accents.

That first story has to be made up, right?

Are you talking about the time Disney threatened to sue various daycare centers over 25 years ago for having murals painted by adults featuring their cartoon characters, or did I miss something? Because from what I remember that was far more reasonable than people made it out to be. The paintings were on the outside

I’ll never shop at this store (for something you don’t sell) again !!!

Reasons you come off like a tool: