
1. Run a company.

I think you’re confusing conscious human-imposed systems with limitations in human nature. And in this case, the ridiculous and naive change you're suggesting wouldn't even be for the better.

Funny thing about the world, it doesn't need excuses to work the way it works. It's people who need excuses for ideas that don't take into account how the world works.

Dude, dude. I’m with you, but don’t let them have Orwell. This is not what he was talking about, and don’t let them change popular discourse about his legacy to regard him this way. Orwell was writing about patriotic fervor and the ruling classes using perpetual war as a pretext to preserve wealth disparity through

So, “Ignore what the actual proposed laws and discussion now are saying, and instead focus on this hypothetical 15-year future scenario that I made up. Because regulation of gasoline is like being imprisoned without charges for thoughtcrime and being forced into a permanent and unnecessary life of poverty.”

Which is how it has worked... Never.

Uh, I didn’t “have to” do anything. I'm not sure if you realize that I'm not the original commenter but a passerby. No vested interest, just offering thoughts like you are. No need to be all combative.

You must not be married. Spouses’ bitching about each other is not gendered at all. Women say about men what men say about women what women say about men say about women say about men say about women. And so it is for same sex marriages.

What exactly would you propose instead of the modern patent system and its criteria, and how would you proposal be an improvement for society? Please reference the patent system and its criteria as they are, and not as you interpret them to be.

The greatest part of this comment is the part you didn't make... Not sure why the rest is even there.

We’re like, totes down with Google having our entire browsing history on top of all the other tracking of us it does, bud! It’s the future! They like, totally say they won't be evil.

Having one mentally and morally compromised parent, even for years living at a great distance, this is one argument I have to disagree with. No one can know what her kids feel but the kids themselves, but I think it’s just as possible her execution will bring them a complicated sort of closure, and an ability to move

Gawker media once gay shamed a person, and very recently slut shamed a rival media head.... But by all means, continue to pretend like you don’t understand the banality of evil.

How could I have ever accused you of sloppy argumentation, shitskull?

Thorin, you know this is going to kill you when you finally get caught. Not saying I’m gonna out you, just, the internet is forever. Plead or ignore as you like. Just enjoy the bed you've been making and have now bought sheets for.

Well, okay. Thanks for letting us know that you area aware of your autism. Meanwhile, the question was actually about assholes putting their foot in their mouths. But meanwhile if you'd rather deploy technicalities to defend assholes, you can definitely do that.

Yes absolutely. Also, enjoy all the technicality back flipping through your actual point you undoubtedly already got for this comment.

Your first sentence actually explains your second sentence, if you were endowed with self awareness and a love of democratic liberties. Have you ever once stopped to think before you've said anything? You're one for one in demonstrating that you're not familiar with the concept.

Eat a dick. This is actually perfectly within bounds of historical accuracy for the standard of pretty much every mainstream “historical” period piece ever made, even the ones taken seriously. You just wanted an excuse to tell us you know shit. Go lie down.

“(Apparently one reason for the movie’s lightning-fast pace and lack of coherence is the fact that 25 minutes was cut from the U.S. version, including possibly all the stuff where the plot is explained.)”