
Someone spent multiple hours making it, too! That’s not a hastily thrown-together graphic.

The same logic is applied to doctors during their internship - “Yes, they have to work abusively long shifts, and yes, they’re exhausted and sleep-deprived on the job and this might easily result in poor patient outcomes (including death), and yes, it’s a hellacious ordeal but I went through it and so everyone else

How much you want to bet they still made him wait for his boarding group number to be called before he could get on the plane?

Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster

That is before the Trump presidency made late night comedy liberal navel gazing.

“See, this is why I stay a virgin.” — Mark Davis

Wow, it’s like you read a totally different article from a parallel universe!

Clever Sim.”

Mark Murphy: I’m sorry, Mike. We have to move on.

Once this kid’s mother sees this, she’s going to come to the sad realization that there’s no keepers in this family.

I’m sure John Oliver’s weekly English-language comedy show on a premium American television channel was a major part in Brazil electing a fascist psychopath.

A white guy in his 50's from Florida? I’m shocked. Also shocked to see that he’s driving around in a van that is basically a Trump shrine. 

Mitchell Trubisky’s Hail Mary Pass To Kevin White Comes Up Painstakingly Short

So what you are saying is that this bronze statue has Outshined all other Bronze statues?

A Gap penetration. Backside penetration. Rub routes.

I’m sorry, but the one thing you don’t get to do is tell Tom Hanks to go away. Not on my watch.

“Free speech is free speech—it’s not Jack Dorsey’s version of free speech,” Woods told AP, adding that, if he deleted this particular tweet, he’d have to watch what he says in all his other tweets going forward.” 

I thought the same.