
Deplorable, feckless cunt.

Blotto-erotic asphyxiation

Fire extinguishers can be dangerous, especially when tampa’d with.

Unsurprising and incredibly creepy.  How is his staff not terrified?

Never gonna get tired of posting this.

“What we need is some new skin, yesssss, new skin. Our skin is old and shriveled. Come here child let me see how smooth you are.”

Begs the question: how can we trust him to talk about this stuff when he's probably affected by it lol

In landscape too. What a hero.

Anyone who says “crisis actors” should be beaten right away.

Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.

The letter then goes on to assert that Cohen had “absolutely nothing” to do with the incident, which he doesn’t believe occurred.

I once heard a theory that children can disavow horribly shitty family members who are evil human beings and that they (the children) have a moral imperative to do so. Call me a bad son, but once my parents voted for Trump even when his administration would be an actual existential threat to their gay child, I could

Well they’re perfectly fine with their book tour making a stop at Focus on the Family. Let’s not act like Mike Pence’s fucked up values are contained exclusively to him.

Other than the most obvious reason about this being ironic or hypocritical... I find it really amusing how during election season, everyone is always up in arms about how the “youth vote” is the most important part and how we need to get them to vote and be more politically active. Yet, when something does happen that

“I can’t believe this political movement is being so political in using politics to make politicians evaluate their politics in order to pressure political change in Washington. Who do these kids think they are? That’s what lobbyists and special interest groups are for.” - Fox and Friends

So it’s a partisan issue to not want to be gunned down in homeroom now?

Sure, they applauded {the military}, but they weren’t standing and looked very bored because what is war but the ultimate celebrity buzzkill, amirite?