
It appears to me that fellow just found out that finkle is einhorn

“Fox News’ Tammy Lahren” You can stop there, I already know that she is an exceptional asshole deserving of ridicule.

It worked on Galaxy Quest because all of the other characters hated his character.

“Oh well...that’s our Donald! Get over it Libtards, you LOST!”

He butts into the UK’s business, they respond, then he tells them to mind their own business? I mean...c’ can anyone be that dumb?

So, an American citizen shooting and killing almost 600 people at a country music concert in Las Vegas is apparently Trump’s vision of doing just fine. Surely, this calls for USA USA USA chant.

This is gold, nothing tops letting imbeciles make imbeciles of themselves in public.

Dear Trump Voters,

We need more thoughts and prayers. That’ll help.

They must’ve switched up the music after they sent you your screener because I know there’s no way you mistook Wang Chung’s “Dance Hall Days” for Bruce Hornsby (which I don’t think would’ve been a good fit for that scene anyway.)

I am high on baseball and this is amazing:

Nope. Its cool as fuck. Shutting down Nazis is cooler than a young Paul Newman lighting a cigarette with a laser while he’s riding a fucking dinosaur. There is literally nothing cooler and more American than punching Nazis right in their fucking Nazi fascist cunt faces.

Stolen from random on Twitter: “You can take the Nationals out of the Capital, but you can’t take the Capitals out of the Nationals”

This isn’t nuts, it’s terrifying. These people are sheep, devoted to the ravings of a madman and incapable of contradictory thought. Holy fucking shit are we fucked.

It hasn’t been a year...

Bauer’s night was a right wing fever dream about Columbus Day come to life: an Indian getting absolutely killed out there and then getting triggered about it.