
Plus are we really going to start implying people are racist just because not a lot of people “liked” a particular post?  Is this seriously what people are doing now.

You know literally nothing about that project or how much work has to be done

You’re not entitled to Nintendo’s games.

Yawn.  Stop sh***ing on Nintendo.  Every Nintendo game is available to play.  On an NES.  Or an SNES.  Or a Virtual Boy.   Nobody freaks out that *insert random PS1 game here* isn’t available on modern consoles, so why does everyone freak out about Nintendo moving away from the Virtual Console?  Go download an

Whereas I think they struck an amazing balance with the switch where the hardware is good enough for some really top notch gaming experiences but not sooooo beefy that it costs $700 and has a battery life of 2 hours

*deep breath while rubbing temples*

We got 48 new fully polished and updated tracks in a previous DLC? When?

This is neither shameless nor shoehorned. The game was quoted as the direct reason the family realized something was wrong. Settle down.

Uh...sure. Looks great to me still.

I thought the animations in the character profiles were really well done, and I trust WayForward to do right by the game.

Did you really think Breath of the Wild 2 was coming out in the next few months?

“late stage capitalism would probably involve some futuristic exploitation we cannot even wrap our minds around”

Like people assigning worth to binary numbers describing where one can go to view a receipt for a .jpg?

Just want to point out that there is no cure for covid-19. We have a vaccine, but that isn’t a cure. We have treatment options to reduce the severity of symptoms but that isn’t a cure.


And what I’ve learned from toei’s shitty tactics is that it’s ethically fine to steal as much toei owned content as possible.

Ironically Nintendo does make better games since they spend their time making finished products instead of releasing broken half-baked garbage that certain AAA publishers churn out.

This is unlikely a legal issue like everyone thinks. They can’t sue the creator just for making the game, so long as he isn’t profiting off it, it’s considered fair use/parody. However, Youtube/Twitter likely make Ad money from Nintendo, and probably a lot of it. So Nintendo holds a lot more sway with those sites.

They couldn’t, as porn sites would likely ignore them. Youtube/Twitter make ad money from Nintendo, and probably a lot of ad money.

If this website is a disgrace, be a fucking adult and stop reading it. Good lord you’re pathetic.

Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.