
So - just bear with me now - what if I told you you could actually tell when your framerate drops without actually having to monitor the exact number? What if I also told you that it can be highly distracting when that happens?

I feel like needing 120 fps is ridiculous, personally (ditto for needing ultra high

It doesn’t help that Bethesda isn’t exactly known for games that play well within the first month or two of launch.

They aren’t getting a penny from me. These are just new Archives missions they used to give each year for FREE! With no replayability; I’ll save $15 and watch a YouTube of it.

The thing is, back in the original Overwatch, they had seasonal story missions that were free. People who paid for the original Overwatch are kinda now being charged for something they already paid for and used to get without additional cost.

Permanent access to the Overwatch 2: Invasion Story Missions

More than half the character reworks have left the characters feeling pretty useless in the game. Damage has no punch to it, and healers outside of mpira do so little damage that they feel like acoutrements rather than actual beneficial abilities.

Question : why do they need Nintendos permission at all?

So let me get this straight... Nintendo lawyers sit down with SWT TO’s a YEAR AGO to say “we want you to get a license to do this but as long as you do you’re okay,” SWT says “we’ll try,” later sayslulz this is hard we want to operate without a license for awhile,” Nintendo says “we never said you could do a

You should update the article because it was Panda and not Nintendo that ordered the shut down


There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

Still, at least the game is fun.

How’s that corpo boot taste like, motherfucker?

If you were a fan of how characters like Doomfist, Symm, Orisa, and Bastion played then those characters are functionally gone for you. “oh but they were replaced/reworked” doesn’t matter. If you liked old Doomfist’s kit and playstyle, that character is gone now. You reciting ad exec corporate-speak meant to obscure

You’re being overly literal in a very internet-person way. He’s using murder because it’s simple, not because it’s a direct moral comparison.

So, somehow, it was wrong for consumers to take advantage of sales? And you talk about having 8 years of Plus piled up, but that’s also Sony’s fault. Microsoft has a 3 year cap. Which is the smart way to operate since you don’t run into situations like this. Everything about this situation is Sony’s fault and they

Why do they deserve this? There was a sale, they took advantage of it, which is the exact purpose of sales. I’m not sure what they did that was “wrong.”

Because I can think critically, I can move beyond the tone of one article, from one writer.

I bet the venn diagram of Elon Musk stans and people who reply to this post defending the lack of a pause button is a circle.

I mean, sure, if they want to add an easy mode it’s not like it’ll have any impact on anybody who doesn’t want to use the easy mode.