Clever use of Luigi’s infamous bulge photo for your “hard mode” article.
Clever use of Luigi’s infamous bulge photo for your “hard mode” article.
Because they’re fascinating from a software engineer’s point of view. These are less “competition” runs and more like scientific demonstrations. How computers behave at the smallest level, and how to manipulate it to produce results, is incredibly interesting to many people.
My favorite thing about this comment section is all the people running 10ft usb cables for the WIRELESS controller.
My favorite thing about this comment section is all the people running 10ft usb cables for the WIRELESS controller.
A wired, wireless charger.
A wired, wireless charger.
I remember playing this game on the PS2. You most certainly need to clamp down the drum to something. It just LOVES to move out of the way when you’re 3 hits from perfect.
I still don’t know what a Genshin Impact is
The engineer in me wants to improve the process on this whole thing. If you had the fridge space, I wonder if you could achieve similar results by doing all 7 layers at once, and then layer them after they’ve set (maybe with a spoon of warm water to soften the layers a bit).
Darn, 32oz for 11.99 is still pricier than Costco’s 64oz for 16.99. That said, how many of us can go through 64oz of Jelly Belly’s?
A) Drive Through employees don’t get to make that decision. People have lost jobs over stuff like this
B) Franchise Owners don’t set the prices. That’s set by the coorporate office. Owners are responsible for costs and reporting revenue, however, and amenities are one of the few things they actually have control over.
It’s still incredible that Amazon is the richest company in the history of mankind and they continue to pull stunts like this.
One time my cousin and I were having a staring contest. I had a stuffy nose at the time and thought I had the real advantage here. What I didn’t expect was the pressure built up from stifling my laughter would explode into a snot bubble the size of a baseball, effectively destroying the appetite of everyone at the…
You can’t move buildings or change terrain. If the main resident stops playing, everyone else is stuck.
Sigh. I still really want separate islands for each player account. Having a shared island all the time means everyone has to ask for permission to stuff and it’s exhausting.
Because the number of views pays for 2 new iPhones.
“In fact, almost 80% of the world’s soybean crop is fed to livestock, especially for beef, chicken, egg and dairy production.” - World Wildlife Foundation
So, as it turns out, livestock follows the same production line as soybeans. The difference is Soybeans going to a grinder with some seasonings vs Soybeans going…
Exactly! Vegetarian/Vegans are not likely to touch this stuff. It tastes too closely to meat that it triggers a gag response.