
*** If anybody else finds this article looking for cloud companies DO NOT IN ANY WAY USE SUGARSYNC. They are literally the worst cloud service company I have ever experience in my life.***

I was hoping there would be more substance than that. She’s not even a topic of gossip like a celeb, I can waste time on.

seriously, that shit would be an absolute WINDFALL for me!

this must be the ‘bootstraps’ conservative pundits are always going on about.

YAY for her. Now she won’t have to get a job to pay her way through college.

this poor girl finally catches a lucky break. Hopefully she’ll invest it wisely and maybe someday, she can put a down payment on a studio apartment in Queens.

The Corinthian!


Rat poison is just another name for Budweiser. : )

Really excellent piece.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”


I really, really love that the rating scale is my current favorite emoji.

I know this is controversial with some people out there, but this is it. I am done with mosquitoes. They pollinate a single flower in the tundra. They have too little biomass to be a major source of food for any organism. Fuck them from here to Mercury.

This reminds me of that X Factor audition where everyone was ignoring Susan Boyle until she started belting. Go ahead Ms. Lunchlady!

I work in NYC development and told one of my developers yesterday (for like the bazillionth time) that if I were to build, I would make a building of only studios. You get the most for price per square foot. His eyes widened as if he had never realized this before. It was such a face palm moment for me.

In a word, no. I work in real estate and micro units are such a joke. They’re not designed to address affordable housing issues. They’re to make money for developers, period. The idea is that in select markets (NY, parts of CA, and that’s about it for the United States) people are so desperate for housing that you can

Well, I think there is at least one group of people—and I guess I count myself among their number—

400sqft? My wife’s walk in closet is bigger than that! Jesus people, New York and other giant cities on the coasts are not worth it. Midwestern cities, like here in KC, offer nearly as much and you can get a 5800sqft house on 5 acres for under a million. Plus we have a World Series championship baseball team. And