
*** If anybody else finds this article looking for cloud companies DO NOT IN ANY WAY USE SUGARSYNC. They are literally the worst cloud service company I have ever experience in my life.***

More things that make you go “hmmm...”

I thought of you as soon as I heard the latest divorce news. COINCIDENCE??? Hmmmm... place your bets now.

Because Jezebel is a vapid hole of nothingness that panders to whatever will get people to click on their articles, now that Gawker is gone. Clearly, they’ve tricked me. I was hoping they’d rake her over the coals a bit but nope.

I feel you. BUT what I also dislike MORE, as I get older and older, is the way my body reacts to drinks 3 and 4 the next day, as if I have chugged a bottle of rat poison.

I don’t think that anyone anywhere is explaining to their kids just how BAD sexting actually is. It’s ILLEGAL. All someone has to do is decide they want to press charges because you have a photo of their son or daughter on their phone, and you will get arrested, charged with a bunch of sex crimes, possibly end up on

“But what does being highly innovative get Apple? Think Newton. It stillruns circles around the Palm, but was a commercial failure. It was too innovative.”

You don’t need to know someone personally when you believe in statistics and proven patterns. I can give you a slew of references from psychological professionals and people who work with abused women who will testify that that sort of behavior (demanding access from a partner to passwords and social media) is

THANK YOU. I look forward to the future, when maybe our culture becomes a little more focused on doing what brings happiness into a relationship and not so much what society tells you is supposed to be happening in your relationship.

Well, I think it’s possible that people who think they want to be in a monogamous relationship might find that, after a number of years together and perhaps some “tough issues” to overcome, non-monogamy might actually be something that will help make the relationship work better. People should change over time, and it

Agreed. Especially when many times the person who was cheated on is partially - sometimes wholly - responsible for the continuing relationship failures that lead someone to look elsewhere for comfort/understanding/laughs/sex/whatever. There are almost always no “innocent” parties in a relationship touched by cheating.

Yes yes 1000x yes. If someone is giving you an ultimatum of “I can’t trust you unless you let me have access to your passwords”, you need to run far and fast away from that person. Not just from my own personal experience, but from the dozens of other friends, men and women, who have dealt with similar untrusting,

You should never EVER give someone in your life access to any of that, nor should they ask for it. It is the NUMBER ONE red flag in emotionally abusive or controlling relationships. If you don’t trust them and they don’t trust you enough to keep your email or social media private, get out of that shitty relationship.

Ecch, “Museum of the Bible”?? Well, we do have Disneyland so I guess it’s only fair that everyone get their shrine to their personal make believe.

I have yet to find any of these on our local mushroom hunts that were big enough to eat but I hear they are amazing.

SUNCHOKES ARE THE. BEST. EVERRRRRRR. Roasted, truffle oil...gaahhhhnomnomnomnom. That is all.

Blinded by DADBOD.

Shoutout to my fellow OLDS! I was hoping I’d see this somewhere in the responses...

“I...” “I...” “I...” “I...” “I...” “I...”“I...”
It’s fucking pathetic that all anybody can seem to write these days is crap about themselves. God, I am an Old who truly believes that creative arts education programs are so important, and this is one of the reasons why. In the future, not only will writing be a less

I think what happened here is a combo of “brain too fast for mouth” and growing up within a lifestyle that surrounded by people with “help”...lots of it, and most of it poor and/or immigrant minorities. The problem here is that because of that lifestyle, she isn’t used to having to think “is this possibly offensive,